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Wednesday, November 27, 2013

El libro más caro del mundo fue vendido por 14 millones de dólares

Más de 14 millones de dólares por un pequeño libro impreso. Es el precio que se ha convertido en más caro del mundo. En concreto se trata del Libro de Salmos de la Bahía, vendido en una subasta en Nueva York. Se cree que la traducción al inglés de los salmos bíblicos es el primer libro impreso en la América británica por colonos puritanos en Cambridge (Massachusetts) en 1640. Hoy en día quedan once copias de los mil setecientos ejemplares originales. ¡Suscríbete a "ActualidadRT"! RT en vivo: RT EN ESPAÑOL: DESDE RUSIA CON INFORMACIÓN

Путин оценил готовность олимпийских объектов в Сочи

27 ноября Владимир Путин прибыл в Сочи, чтобы лично убедиться в готовности олимпийских объектов к главному спортивному событию года. В Красной поляне президенту показали горнолыжный спортивно-туристический комплекс «Горная карусель», где расположены медиа-деревня и круглогодичный комплекс трамплинов «Русские горки». После этого глава государства также посетил центральный олимпийский стадион «Фишт» и, по сообщениям, остался доволен ходом и качеством строительства. Подписывайтесь на RT Russian - RT на русском - Vkontakte - Facebook - Twitter - Livejournal -

CNN Heroes: 'Backstage Pass'... From the Red Carpet

CNN's Nischelle Turner offers a behind-the-scenes peek at preparations for "CNN Heroes: An All-Star Tribute." CNN Heroes: From the Red Carpet Hollywood's brightest stars turn out to honor 10 "everyday people changing the world." CNN's Nischelle Turner reports.

Протесты на Украине / Ukraine protests LIVE

Прямая трансляция из Киева, где проходят акции протеста против приостановки подписания соглашения об ассоциации Украины с Европейским союзом. Подписывайтесь на RT Russian - RT на русском - Vkontakte - Facebook - Twitter - Livejournal -

NYPD cop punches 85-yr-old, then sues him

George Capsis was riding his bike in NYC when a police van pulled out into the bike lane, cutting him off. When he complained to the officers, mayhem ensued. Mr. Capsis slapped one of the cops; one of the cops punched Mr. Capsis in the face. Mr. Capsis just settled an excessive force lawsuit for $45,000 with the NYPD, and the story should end there...but it doesn't. The Resident (aka Lori Harfenist) discusses. Follow The Resident at Find RT America in your area: Or watch us online: Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter

Roasted Butternut Squash With Onions

This recipe from Yotam Ottolenghi and Sam Tamimi's, "Jerusalem: A Cookbook" is a twist on a classic Thanksgiving dish. For more recipes, ideas and videos, check out Essential Thanksgiving on The Times's website: NYT on Google Plus: Watch more videos at: Follow on Twitter:

В ЦПК показали антропоморфного робота для работы в открытом космосе

27 ноября в Центре подготовки космонавтов представили человекоподобного робота, который в будущем может стать сотрудником МКС. Опытный образец SAR-401 был разработан специалистами НПО «Андроидная техника», которые полагают, что в будущем их робот сможет выполнять 90% работ на поверхности МКС. Подписывайтесь на RT Russian - RT на русском - Vkontakte - Facebook - Twitter - Livejournal -

Five Star Chef Means No Ordinary Soup Kitchen

Former executive chief Jeff Ansorge found the answer to personal problems in a soup kitchen. Along with his talent, he credits his faith as the foundation for nutritious meals prepared for low income and homeless people of Minneapolis. (Nov. 27)

China derribararía cualquier avión que viole normas de zona aérea de defensa

La Fuerza Aérea de China podría derribar cualquier avión extranjero que viole las normas establecidas por Pekín sobre su zona de defensa aérea, informan medios chinos. "La zona facilita la comunicación y la identificación entre las aeronaves extranjeras y la Fuerza Aérea [de China], pero si los pilotos llegan a incursionar en dicho espacio aéreo sin emitir ningún tipo de advertencia, nuestros pilotos tienen el derecho de derribarlo", dijo Qiao Liang, general de la Fuerza Aérea china y profesor de la Universidad de Defensa Nacional, citado por 'South China Morning News'. La semana pasada Pekín estableció una zona de identificación de defensa aérea en el mar de la China Oriental que incluye las islas Diaoyu/Senkaku, que son objeto de disputa territorial entre China y Japón. Esta acción fue vista como una escalada de tensiones entre ambos países y provocó las protestas de Tokio y de Washington, su principal aliado militar. MÁS INFORMACIÓN: ¡Suscríbete a "ActualidadRT"! RT en vivo: RT EN ESPAÑOL: DESDE RUSIA CON INFORMACIÓN

'Whistleblowers need smb to help with pressure, not money or lawyers'

WATCH THE FULL EPISODE HERE: Afshin Rattansi goes underground to bring stories that really matter in the UK. In this episode we hear from Dr Gavin MacFadyen, director of the Centre for Investigative Journalism, who explains what it's really like to blow the whistle on your boss. Plus we hear why NHS privatisation is dangerous. And do you ever get depressed you can't afford first class rail travel? Don't be - the government's got a great solution! LIKE Going Underground FOLLOW Going Underground FOLLOW Afshin Rattansi FOLLOW on Instagram RT LIVE Subscribe to RT! Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Instagram Follow us on Google+ RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 1 billion YouTube views benchmark.

Сноуден беспрепятственно разъезжает по Вашингтону на общественном транспорте

Эдвард Сноуден — человек, за которым охотятся все спецслужбы США, — был на днях замечен в Вашингтоне. Но, к разочарованию американских властей, он появился только на рекламном баннере одного из автобусов американской столицы. Правозащитники запустили эту кампанию, чтобы отдать должное разоблачителю и призвать общественность к сопротивлению широкомасштабной программе слежения США. Рассказывает корреспондент RT Гаяне Чичакян. Подписывайтесь на RT Russian - RT на русском - Vkontakte - Facebook - Twitter - Livejournal -

Times Minute: Cancer Divide, Deadline, and a Turkey Pardon

Subscribe on YouTube: Health deadline looming; the cancer divide; and the president pardons a turkey. The New York Times Minute for Nov. 27, 2013. Related content: Article: A Plea to Avoid Crush of Users at Health Site - Article: In Israel, a Push to Screen for Cancer Gene Leaves Many Conflicted - NYT on Google Plus: Watch more videos at: Follow on Twitter:

Desde la sombra (E54). La Ley Patriota y el corto vuelo de la libertad

¿Hasta qué punto la Constitución estadounidense es vigente? Se pregunta Daniel Estulin en su nuevo programa, analizando las consecuencias de La Ley Patriota, promulgada en 2001, después del 11S. La Ley elevaba la capacidad del Estado para vigilar la actividad de personas y reunir información sobre los ciudadanos. Estulin saca la conclusión de que no se trata de que la propia Constitución sea irrelevante, sino que el sistema que la hace cumplir es el que la hace ser irrelevante. TODOS LOS PROGRAMAS: ¡Suscríbete a "ActualidadRT"! RT en vivo: RT EN ESPAÑOL: DESDE RUSIA CON INFORMACIÓN

AP Top Stories Nov. 27 A

Here's the latest news for Wednesday, November 27th: Storm hits east ahead of Thanksgiving; Mom, Stepdad accused of imprisoning three girls; Gas prices down; Bugs on the menu.

Не ко двору: с Красной площади уберут чемодан Louis Vuitton

Возведенный у кремлевских стен гигантский павильон дома моды Louis Vuitton в виде 9-метрового чемодана, быть может, и произвел впечатление на московских модников, однако посетителей Красной площади немало озадачил. Корреспондент RT Маргарет Хоуэлл рассказывает, что жизнь чемодана на главной площади страны была недолгой. Подписывайтесь на RT Russian - RT на русском - Vkontakte - Facebook - Twitter - Livejournal -

Un gigantesco círculo de hielo que da vueltas descubierto en un río en EE.UU.

Cortesía de GEORGE LOEGERING. En EE.UU. los residentes de Dakota del Norte se convertieron en testigos de un asombroso fenómeno natural. En éstas imágenes pueden ver como un gigantesco circulo de hielo de unos 15 metros de diámetro está dando vueltas en uno de los ríos de la región. Según explican los especialistas del Servicio Meteorológico del país, este fenómeno se debe a que particulas de hielo fueron capturadas por un remolino del mismo riacho, que las puso a circular. ¡Suscríbete a "ActualidadRT"! RT en vivo: RT EN ESPAÑOL: DESDE RUSIA CON INFORMACIÓN

Пресс-конференция глав МИД РФ и Гватемалы

Прямая трансляция пресс-конференции министра иностранных дел РФ Сергея Лаврова и его коллеги из Гватемалы Фернандо Карреры по итогам встречи в Москве. В ходе переговоров политики обсудили взаимодействие двух стран, а также наиболее важные вопросы мировой политики. Подписывайтесь на RT Russian - RT на русском - Vkontakte - Facebook - Twitter - Livejournal -

Сочи готов принять паралимпийцев через 100 дней

Пока олимпийский огонь продолжает свою одиссею по России, приближаясь к конечному пункту назначения — городу Сочи, не прекращается отсчет и до начала зимних Паралимпийских игр. В этом году в них примут участие около 700 человек из 45 стран мира. Корреспондент RT Табанг Мотсей рассказывает о том, как на черноморском курорте готовятся к Паралимпиаде. Подписывайтесь на RT Russian - RT на русском - Vkontakte - Facebook - Twitter - Livejournal -

Putin: "No estamos dispuestos a sofocar nuestra economía para gustarle a Bruselas"

"No estamos dispuestos a sofocar nuestra economía para gustarle a Bruselas", señaló Vladímir Putin, en la rueda de prensa en Italia al comentar la pregunta sobre la decisión de Ucrania de no firmar el acuerdo el Acuerdo de Asociación con la UE. El presidente ruso insistió en que el interés ruso por la cuestión de la asociación de Ucrania con la UE es puramente económico, al recordar que entre Rusia y Ucrania rige el tratado sobre la zona de libre comercio. "Debemos separar de la política la cuestión de la asociación de Ucrania con la UE y estar de acuerdo con la propuesta de Yanukóvich [el presidente de Ucrania] de debatir el asunto de forma trilateral entre Rusia, Ucrania y la Unión Europea." Al término de sus negociaciones con el primer ministro de Italia, Enrico Letta, Putin propuso que hombres de negocios de Rusia, Ucrania y la UE mantuvieran "contactos directos". El pasado 21 de noviembre el Gobierno de Ucrania declaró que paraliza las negociaciones para la firma del acuerdo sobre la asociación con la Unión Europea programada para el próximo 29 de noviembre. Las autoridades del país argumentaron su decisión con la necesidad de desarrollar las relaciones económicas y comerciales con los Estados del escenario postsoviético, en particular con Rusia. La oposición convocó acciones multitudinarias en todo el país para protestar contra la decisión. MÁS INFORMACIÓN: ¡Suscríbete a "ActualidadRT"! RT en vivo: RT EN ESPAÑOL: DESDE RUSIA CON INFORMACIÓN

Mom, Stepfather Accused of Imprisoning 3 Girls

A mother and stepfather are under arrest in Tucson, Arizona, accused of imprisoning their three girls. Authorities say the girls were malnourished and hadn't bathed in months. (Nov. 27)

Отказ Киева от евроинтеграции уберег экономику ЕС от очередного удара

На этой неделе на саммите «Восточного партнерства» ЕС в Вильнюсе Европа и Украина должны были подписать соглашения о политической ассоциации и о свободной торговле. Президент Украины Виктор Янукович заявил, что примет участие в саммите, чтобы объяснить, почему Киев раздумал заключать сделку. Как сообщает корреспондент RT Питер Оливер, некоторые считают, что отказ Украины избавит Европу от многих новых проблем. Подписывайтесь на RT Russian - RT на русском - Vkontakte - Facebook - Twitter - Livejournal -

Color Code: UK whites & ethnics choose to live apart

Britain is turning into a 'colour-coded society', with the UK's whites and ethnic minorities choosing to live apart. That's according to a new study that warns of 'comfort-zone segregation', which could lead to division and hostility between the communities. RT's Sara Firth has more on the worrying trend. RT LIVE Subscribe to RT! Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Instagram Follow us on Google+ RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 1 billion YouTube views benchmark.

Russia: Oversized Louis Vuitton suitcase riles Red Square

C/U Suitcase C/U Louis Vuitton suitcase C/U Louis Vuitton logo on suitcase W/S Louis Vuitton on red square W/S Louis Vuitton on red square M/S On-looker taking a picture of suitcase C/U Buckle on suitcase W/S Louis Vuitton on Red Square C/U On-looker taking a picture of suitcase W/S Suitcase C/U Suitcase C/U Suitcase W/S Suitcase on Red Square SCRIPT Russia: Oversized Louis Vuitton suitcase riles Red Square A massive Louis Vuitton suitcase measuring 9 metres high and 30 metres long installed on Moscow's Red Square has stirred controversy among politicians of a leftist bent, who say the fashion statement is an insult to Russia's Soviet past. Situated close to Vladimir Lenin's Mausoleum, the suitcase functions as a museum to fashion, featuring 25 historic chests, 12 video installations, and photographs of 100 legendary trunks designed by the French fashion house. The suitcase is an exact, albeit enlarged, replica of a piece of luggage owned by Russian Prince Vladimir Orlov, who was part of the Imperial family. Although some are enticed by the suitcase, communists have expressed animosity towards the consumerist symbol. Reports suggest the Russian Communist Party intends to file a legal complaint. The suitcase will remain on Red Square until January 15. Support memonews by Subscribing Like Us on Facebook: Follow Us on Twitter: Support memonews for FREE by doing your shopping through this link (bookmark it!) find your item in our catalog or punch in the barcode number and you are done. check our blog to learn more: video online: easy mese:

Russia: Are these the most beautiful girls of Russia?

C/U Girls in swim suits M/S Beauty pageants in swim suits C/U Female legs M/S Beauty pageant winner given crown W/S Beauty pageant contesters on stage M/S Beauty pageant contesters smiling W/S Beauty pageant contesters C/U Beauty crown M/S Winners C/U Winners SCRIPT Russia: Are these the most beautiful girls of Russia? The final stage of a Russian beauty contest for girls aged between 14 and 25 was held in Moscow on Monday, with contestants from various regions of the country taking part. Anastasia Trusova, 24, from Vladimir won the title of the most beautiful girl in Russia. She took the beauty crown decorated in gold, silver and semi-precious stones. The Russian Beauty contest has been held since 1995, with the 2013 slogan named 'Russia - my love'. The winner of the competition will represent Russia in different beauty forums around the globe. Support memonews by Subscribing Like Us on Facebook: Follow Us on Twitter: Support memonews for FREE by doing your shopping through this link (bookmark it!) find your item in our catalog or punch in the barcode number and you are done. check our blog to learn more: video online: easy mese:

Ukraine: Pro-EU protests continue as chill sets in

W/S Independence Square W/S Security personnel roll out tarp at Independence Square M/S Security personnel erecting tent at Independence Square M/S Protesters put up banners at Independence Square M/S Singer with guitar at European Square M/S Protesters at European Square M/S Bearded man in traditional Ukrainian costume at European Square M/S Protesters at European Square at European Square C/U Pistol tucked into man's belt at European Square M/S Men standing at European Square W/S Protesters at European Square M/S Woman donates money at European Square M/S People warm up around brazier at European Square SCRIPT Ukraine: Kiev protests continue as chill sets in Scores of pro-EU protesters gathered at European Square and Independence Square in Kiev Tuesday, where they warmed themselves around braziers and listened to musicians performing live as temperatures hovered just above 0 degrees Celsius. Demonstrators have been gathering in the Ukrainian capital to protest against the government's Thursday decision to suspend talks over an association agreement with the European Union. Opposition leaders joined the protest, thought to be the largest since the 2004 Orange Revolution. Protesters have set up camp in European Square, with protests expected to continue at several locations, including Independence Square and in front of the Cabinet of Ministers building. Support memonews by Subscribing Like Us on Facebook: Follow Us on Twitter: Support memonews for FREE by doing your shopping through this link (bookmark it!) find your item in our catalog or punch in the barcode number and you are done. check our blog to learn more: video online: easy mese:

Germany: Is SPD chickening out of pre-election promises?

C/U Chicken costume head W/S Animal costume protesters M/S Animal costume protesters M/S Pig costume protester C/U Placards held by protesters: 'SPD prohibit election promises with amputations' M/S Police van M/S Merkel arrives at SPD headquarters W/S Protesters outside SPD headquarters M/S Protesters outside SPD headquarters SOT: Maritta Strasser, Compact campaigner (speaking English): "We are going to continue this campaign if they do not give us referendums. We are going to stay here on the street." M/S Police stand next to protesters C/U Protester holds 'Power to the people' placard W/S Protesters SCRIPT Germany: Is SPD chickening out of pre-election promises? Coalition talks between Chancellor Angela Merkel's Christian Democratic Union (CDU) and the Social Democrats (SPD) entered their final day on Tuesday in Berlin, with dozens of protesters gathering outside the SPD headquarters demanding that the party keeps its pre-election promises. Protesters dressed up as cows, chickens and pigs, calling for the political party to act on pre-election pledges to ensure the more humane treatment of animals. Other protesters showed their opposition to coalition talks, and called for more direct democracy. Merkel arrived for the talks in the midst of the demonstrations. Maritta Strasser, a campaigner for pressure group Compact, said: "We are going to continue this campaign if they do not give us referendums. We are going to stay here on the street." The SPD is reportedly pushing demands for workers' rights as a condition for entering into a power sharing agreement with Merkel's party. The Social Democrats have already secured CDU support for a national minimum wage, and are now aiming for wider regulation of workers' pay. Support memonews by Subscribing Like Us on Facebook: Follow Us on Twitter: Support memonews for FREE by doing your shopping through this link (bookmark it!) find your item in our catalog or punch in the barcode number and you are done. check our blog to learn more: video online: easy mese:
