--Voicemail on Michael Hastings and our interview with Ben Kinchlow of The 700 Club
--On the Bonus Show: A man miraculously comes back from the dead, Scientists can now read your brain, Desktop 3d scanners, more...
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Broadcast on August 26, 2013
A recent study found that men wash their sheets only four times a year, making their beds breeding grounds for germs, bugs and crusty funk. We look at the research with Lissette Padilla and Mark Sovel on the Lip News.
Lip News Playlist:
Acting teacher and guru Bernard Hiller discusses Hollywood and what makes success in show business, from defining charisma to managing personal problems before they cost you. Authenticity, fame and the steps to success are all detailed in this Media Mayhem interview.
Bernard Hiller was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina and moved to NYC when he was young. He studied with many of the leading teachers in New York City. Developing his revolutionary techniques he became a sought after coach in New York and now trains Hollywood professionals.
Bernard has started the careers of many well known television and film actors including Cameron Diaz and Chace Crawford (Gossip Girl). His techniques have been featured on television shows, magazines and newspapers from all over the world. He coaches actors on movie sets and repeatedly gives his sold-out Masterclasses in Los Angeles, London, Berlin and Rome. He has taught in over 14 countries. He has been a jury member at many film festivals around the world.
Bernard has also given workshops for animators and worked on the Oscar nominated "Surf's Up". He trains C.E.O.s and leading companies around the world and his business transformation training has produced unprecedented results. Bernard starred in four hit reality TV shows around the globe, California Dreaming for Channel 4 in Britain, RTL's Mission Hollywood with Til Schweiger in Germany, Living in LALA Land for Israel and in the US The Starlet with Faye Dunaway.
Bernard performed in many Broadway musicals and toured Opera houses of Europe. He has appeared in over 200 TV commercials and worked on film and TV with George Clooney, Michelle Pfeiffer and also coached LL Cool J, Jeff Goldblum, Billy Crystal, Vanessa Hudgens, Jennifer Garner to mention only a few.
His book "Stop Acting, Start Living" A Revolutionary Guide For Achieving Success in Show-Business & Life
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