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Thursday, March 28, 2013

TheBigPictureRT 28/3/2013-Isn't successful activism the reason the court is even hearing DOMA? ,Lone Liberal Rumble - Is the GOP now Freaking out over Sequestration ,Crazy Alert! Tyrannosaurus Rex had the kinkiest sex life ever - take a look...

Shane Farnan, Supreme Court Reporter - Talk Radio News Service & Jo Deutsch, Freedom to Marry, join Thom Hartmann. Today - the Supreme Court held its second straight day of hearings on same-sex marriage. Is the Defense of Marriage Act dead? And why is John Boehner using your and my tax dollars to hire private lawyers to defend it? Isn't successful activism the reason the court is even hearing DOMA? Lone Liberal Rumble - Is the GOP now Freaking out over Sequestration Cameron Seward, Heritage Foundation & Patrick Howley, The Daily Caller, join Thom Hartmann. Crazy Alert! Tyrannosaurus Rex had the kinkiest sex life ever - take a look... Thom Hartmann's crazy alert Former Rep. Bob Ney - How Boehner & Pelosi could change politics forever Former Rep. Bob Ney, Sideswiped: Lessons Learned Courtesy of the Hit Men of Capitol Hill, joins Thom Hartmann. Earlier in the program - we told you how the Supreme Court heard oral arguments today in the case of United States v. Windsor - which challenges the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act. We also told you how the Justice Department - the federal agency empowered to enforce the laws of the United States - openly disagrees with the Act and has decided not to defend its constitutionality. Instead - the Bipartisan Legal Action Group - a House of Representatives legal body - is defending the law's constitutionality. But - there's a strong possibility that this case would have never made it to the Supreme Court - if it weren't for Republican gerrymandering efforts across the nation. America's Latest Penis Enhancer...the AR-15 Assault Rifle People around the world are wondering out loud why America has a gun problem when Canada and Europe don't. Canadians and Europeans watch the same violent movies, and many Canadians and Swiss have even easier access to guns than most Americans. But only America seems to have so many men buying guns, hoarding guns, and discharging guns. So, what would Freud say about all of this?

ActualidadRT 28/3/2013-Una brasileña puede ser la mayor médica asesina del mundo,Fuego de mortero deja varios muertos en la Universidad de Damasco

El caso más grave de médicos asesinos podría haberse producido en Brasil. La investigación de la actividad de la doctora Virginia Soares de Souza revela que esta puede haber matado a unos 300 pacientes para liberar camas en la unidad de cuidados intensivos del Hospital Evangélico en la sureña ciudad de Curitiba. En todos los casos los pacientes murieron de la misma manera: se les administraban relajantes musculares y se les reducía el suministro de oxígeno, provocándoles la muerte por asfixia. De Souza fue detenida en febrero por sospechas sobre ciertas muertes en el hospital pero la investigación está arrojando resultados espeluznantes. Los investigadores no descartan que pueda haber más casos porque en los últimos siete años han muerto 1.700 pacientes en la unidad de cuidados intensivos. Si se confirman los casos que se le imputan, el número de muertes de la médica brasileña superará el del doctor Harold Shipman, médico inglés que asesinó a 215 pacientes. Una brasileña puede ser la mayor médica asesina del mundo Fuego de mortero deja varios muertos en la Universidad de Damasco Fuegos de mortero han sacudido este jueves el campus de la Universidad de Damasco, Siria. De acuerdo con los primeros datos, el edificio más afectado es el de la facultad de Arquitectura. Según la televisión estatal siria, hay varios muertos entre los estudiantes. El número exacto de víctimas se desconoce por el momento, pero se da una cifra aproximada de 12 muertos y más de 20 heridos. Cabe recordar que el pasado 26 de marzo la Universidad de Damasco sufrió otro ataque de morteros. En aquella ocasión el bombardeo tuvo como blanco la facultad de Derecho y dejó al menos cuatro víctimas mortales, entre ellas una escolar, y 41 heridos. AVANCE: Detrás de la noticia: Palancas de control El Pentágono solicita más dinero para Guantánamo, mientras los reclusos llevan semanas de huelga de hambre en protesta por los abusos que sufren en la prisión. Las naciones del BRICS acuerdan crear su propio banco de desarrollo, desafiando al FMI. Y EE. UU. refuerza el control de Internet para protegerse ante posibles ciberataques

RTAmerica 28/3/2013- The Resident: Gitmo hunger strike - food for thought?

It's day 50 of the hunger strikes at Guantanamo Bay. The demonstration began on February 6th as a protest of the prisoners' indefinite confinement and because of what they say was a return to harsh treatment from past years. As health conditions worsen for the dozens of detainees on strike, the military has resorted to force-feeding some of them. RT's Lori Harfenist of The Resident has more The Resident: Gitmo hunger strike - food for thought?

rtrussian 28/3/2013- Жители Германии требуют депортации иностранных преступников,Сибиряк три года воровал нефть из нефтепровода,«Союз» доберется до МКС всего за 6 часов

В немецком Дрездене акция в поддержку депортации иностранных граждан, совершивших преступления на территории Германии, закончилась столкновениями с полицией. Демонстрация была организована Национал-демократической партией Германии. Органы правопорядка были вынуждены применить слезоточивый газ для разгона протестующих. Место для акции было выбрано не случайно: именно в Дрездене на прошлой неделе иностранец напал на гражданина Германии. Жители Германии требуют депортации иностранных преступников Сибиряк три года воровал нефть из нефтепровода 52-летний житель Новосибирска проявил редкую смекалку в надежде разбогатеть. В течение трех лет он копал тоннель протяженностью в 60 метров к магистральному нефтепроводу «Омск-Иркутск», откуда затем стал сливать и продавать нефть. Причины он объяснил просто: мошеннику хотелось узнать, получится ли у него провернуть подобное. Подробности рассказывает корреспондент RT Шон Томас. 52-летний житель Новосибирска проявил редкую смекалку в надежде разбогатеть. В течение трех лет он копал тоннель протяженностью в 60 метров к магистральному нефтепроводу «Омск-Иркутск», откуда затем стал сливать и продавать нефть. Причины он объяснил просто: мошеннику хотелось узнать, получится ли у него провернуть подобное. Подробности рассказывает корреспондент RT Шон Томас. «Союз» доберется до МКС всего за 6 часов Полет космического корабля «Союз», старт которого намечен на 29 марта, впервые пройдет по «короткой схеме». Российско-американский экипаж доберется до МКС всего за 6 часов. Чем это выгодно, и какие сложности могут ждать экипаж, узнал корреспондент RT Эндрю Фармер. Российская армия начинает учения в Черном море По приказу Верховного главнокомандующего РФ Владимира Путина, российская армия начала учения в Черном море. В маневрах участвуют 7 тысяч человек и несколько десятков кораблей. По легенде, военные подразделения должны десантироваться с моря в зону трех условных плацдармов на суше. Кибервойна в Интернете Эксперты говорят о мощнейшей в истории DDoS-атаке, замедлившей веб-сервисы для миллионов пользователей по всему миру. Она произошла после ссоры между голландским интернет-провайдером CyberBunker и женевской компанией Spamhaus. О деталях этой сетевой войны и ее возможных последствиях рассказал веб-продюсер RT Эндрю Блейк.

RussiaToday 28/3/2013- Digital Doom: Cyber-attacks as dangerous as WMDs?,Cash-free Despair: Cyprus reopens banks as eurocrats grip island's economy,Video: Large-scale military drills in Black Sea following order from Putin

There's no better place than the Internet for minimal damage to turn into an epic disaster, given how much crucial data is stored on the web. READ MORE: Digital Doom: Cyber-attacks as dangerous as WMDs? Cash-free Despair: Cyprus reopens banks as eurocrats grip island's economy Banks have re-opened in Cyprus, allowing access to savings for the first time in almost two weeks. There's little relief for cash-strapped citizens though, with severe restrictions imposed on how much money they can withdraw. The limits are set to prevent a bank run, making Cyprus the first Eurozone nation to introduce capital controls. For more on what's going on RT talks to correspondent Tesa Arcilla who's outside the bank in Nicosia. Video: Large-scale military drills in Black Sea following order from Putin President Vladimir Putin ordered the launch of military exercises in the Black Sea region on Thursday, his spokesperson said. Putin issued the order at 4:00am Moscow time (0000 GMT) as he flew back from an international summit in South Africa, the president's spokesperson Dmitry Peskov said.

AssociatedPress 28/3/2013- Two Bodies Found Near Florida Golf Course,Parents Worried About Loughner Before Shooting,AP Top Stories March 28 A

Authorities in Tallahassee, Florida say two bodies found near a golf course late Tuesday were a woman who killed her young daughter and herself. The bodies of 22-year-old Jenna Porter and 3-year-old Scarlett Porter were found late Tuesday. (March 28) Two Bodies Found Near Florida Golf Course Parents Worried About Loughner Before Shooting Newly-released documents reveal that the parents of Jared Loughner took away his gun, before he shot then-Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and killed six other people. 2,700 pages of documents were released Wednesday. (March 28) AP Top Stories March 28 A Here's the latest news for Thursday, March 28: Banks in Cyprus reopening; Washington island landslide affects 34 homes; Obama: Immigration bill could pass by summer; Growing Up: Indoor Farm Goes 'Mega' Near Chicago. Thousands of Fans Flock to Blue Angels' Practice Nearly 8,000 fans packed a morning practice session of the U.S. Navy Blue Angels on Wednesday, and many worried it would be the last time they'd see the elite flight demonstration team for quite a while. (March 28) Raw: Clumsy Man in Wild Attire Attempts Break-In Police in Redding, Calif. are trying to identify a suspect in the attempted robbery of a market. Surveillance video shows a disoriented man, dressed in printed lounge pants and stockings covering his face, throwing a rock at the store's door. (March 28)

TheBigPictureRT 27/3/2013- Full Show 3/27/13: America's Newest Penis Enhancer: The AR-15

Thom talks with Supreme Court Reporter Shane Farnan and Gay Rights Activist Jo Deutsch on today's Supreme Court hearing on the Defense of Marriage Act. Tonight's "Lone Liberal Rumble" panel discusses the fate of Gay Marriage, the latest effects of sequestration and how much routine medical procedures cost in the U.S. compared with other developed nations. In tonight's "Daily Take" Thom discusses what penis size has to do with men's obsession with guns. Full Show 3/27/13: America's Newest Penis Enhancer: The AR-15

AssociatedPress 27/3/2013- Raw: Aerial View of Washington Landslide Damage,AP Top Stories March 27 P,Actress Ashley Judd Won't Run for US Senate

Authorities have completed evacuations of 34 homes that were damaged, isolated or threatened by a mudslide early Wednesday about 50 miles north of Seattle on Whidbey Island. Video is silent. (March 27) Raw: Aerial View of Washington Landslide Damage AP Top Stories March 27 P Here's the latest news for Wednesday, March 27: Justices challenge marriage law; Colo. theater shooting suspect offers guilty plea; 1st female Secret Service head, sworn in; Prague hotel has lofty ambitions. Actress Ashley Judd Won't Run for US Senate Ashley Judd says she won't run for U.S. Senate in Kentucky against Republican Leader Mitch McConnell. The actress made the announcement in a Twitter message. (March 27) Ashley Judd says she won't run for U.S. Senate in Kentucky against Republican Leader Mitch McConnell. The actress made the announcement in a Twitter message. (March 27) High Court Skeptical of Federal Marriage Law Concluding two days of intense debate, the Supreme Court signaled Wednesday it could give a boost to same-sex marriage by striking down the federal law that denies legally married gay spouses a wide range of benefits offered to other couples. (March 27) Camera Lost in Hawaii Washes Ashore in Taiwan An underwater camera lost by a Georgia woman during a diving trip in Hawaii, five years ago, has been found washed ashore in Taiwan. (March 27) Raw: Ohio Firefighter Hit, Thrown by Vehicle An Ohio fire captain is recovering at a hospital after he was hit and thrown 20 to 30 feet by a vehicle that lost control on a slick roadway. (March 27) Justice Questions 'Skim Milk Marriage' The U.S. Supreme Court released same-day audio recordings of oral arguments in a case that seeks to strike down a federal law that prevents legally married gay couples from receiving a range of federal benefits that go to other married people. (March 27) NJ Boy, Found With Dead Mom, Was Living on Sugar A malnourished 4-year-old boy found inside an apartment with the body of his deceased mother had resorted to eating from a bag of sugar, police said Wednesday. Adoption offers have been pouring in for the child. (March 27) Today in History March 28 Highlights of this day in history: An accident at the Three Mile Island nuclear power plant; Former President Dwight Eisenhower dies; The Spanish Civil War ends; Maria von Trapp of 'Sound of Music' fame dies; Singer Reba McEntire born. (March 28) Washington Landslide Threatens Dozens of Homes Dozens of residents of a hillside overlooking scenic Puget Sound have evacuated their homes after a landslide occurred early Wednesday on Whidbey Island, about 50 miles north of Seattle. (March 27)

TheNewYorkTimes 27/3/2013-Brian Williams Interview: NBC Anchor Talks '30 Rock,' Jimmy Fallon and Future,Global Flamenco: Foreigners in Spain Help Dancing Tradition Survive

The NBC anchor sits down with The Times's Bill Carter to discuss the ever-changing news industry. Brian Williams Interview: NBC Anchor Talks '30 Rock,' Jimmy Fallon and Future Global Flamenco: Foreigners in Spain Help Dancing Tradition Survive The thousands of foreigners who train in southern Spain's flamenco schools are exporting its culture and passion to different countries.

RussiaToday 27/3/2013-World Wide War: Biggest cyber-attack shakes web

A battle is waging across the internet. A Geneva-based non-profit, spam-filtering organist says it's under the worst-ever cyber attack, so strong it's slowing down internet access globally. It's allegedly a strike from a Dutch web-hosting company called CyberBunker, which it blocked days before. RT's video agency Ruptly got in touch with Sven Olaf Kamphuis, a spokesman for CyberBunker. World Wide War: Biggest cyber-attack shakes web
