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Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Occupy Wall Street -- Commercializing the Revolution

Occupy Wall Street -- Commercializing the Revolution

5 weeks into the Occupy Wall Street camp-out. As RT's Anastasia Churkina finds out, businesses in the area and around the U.S. have been catching up with the movement's popularity and making an extra buck.

Pepe Escobar: NATO wanted Gaddafi dead all along

Pepe Escobar: NATO wanted Gaddafi dead all along

Gaddafi at one point was a hero to the Western world, but for the last year Gaddafi was looked at as a villain. There are many reports explaining the reasons why the change of heart from the Western powers. Pepe Escobar, correspondent for the Asia Times, helps us understand what happened and what lies ahead for Libya.

Are Regulations and the Fed keeping the US Economy down? Part 1

Are Regulations and the Fed keeping the US Economy down? Part 1

The US Federal Reserve reportedly has more leeway to act to stimulate the economy with consumer inflation falling but is Operation Twist already failing miserably? The SEC may appear to be going after Wall Street but is a $285 million settlement with Citigroup chump change compared to their $3.8 billion in quarterly earnings? Edward Harrison founder and lead contributor of Credit Writedowns tackles the bigger question: Is government helping US economic woes or making them worse?

Tune into part 2 @

Occupy Wall Street -- War on the wealthy

Occupy Wall Street -- War on the wealthy

The Occupy Wall Street movement continues to wage war on the 1 percent of Americans. Armed with signs and catchy slogans, thousands of occupiers nationwide are calling for changes to the system that have increased the income gap in America. Richard Eskow, senior fellow at The Campaign for America's Future, shares his thoughts.

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Gaddafi friend turned foe

Gaddafi friend turned foe

The death of Mohmar Gaddafi marks a victory for the West. But the dictator was once a dear friend to the United States and other Western powers. Leaders from former Secretary of State Condeleezza Rice, to Silvio Burlesconi, to British Prime ministers have gotten cozy with him. Today they celebrate death of a dictator, of a friend turned enemy.

Cenk Uygur to OWS: 'Occupy the states!'

Cenk Uygur to OWS: 'Occupy the states!'

After nearly a two month manhunt, former Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi was found and killed. Revolutionary forces flooded his hometown, Sirte, and according to some reports, the US fired a drone missile at his convoy causing his death. Michel Chossudovsky, director for the Centre for Research on Globalization, tells us more about today's events.

Cenk Uygur to OWS: 'Occupy the states!'

Cenk Uygur to OWS: 'Occupy the states!'

Wednesday night Cenk Uygur of The Young Turks attended the Occupy Wall Street protest at Zuccotti Park to support the movement and introduce his new website, aimed to organize people all over the US to fight corporate personhood.

Are we headed for another Lehman moment in Europe?

Are we headed for another Lehman moment in Europe?

With the Eurozone crisis heating up, protests getting violent in Greece and rating agencies renewing their downgrades of PIIGS nations, what does all of this mean for some of Europe's biggest banks that are most exposed to these countries? Are we headed towards another banking crisis, this time in Europe? Where will it start, and can contagion reach the US? You are going to be shocked to find out what entrepreneurial investor and independent analyst Reggie Middleton says US taxpayers could be on the line for.

One-percenter supports 99% in Occupy Wall Street protests, calls for ending the Fed

This is the debut episode for "Capital Account," with Lauren Lyster. Watch the full Capital Account with Lauren Lyster here

Occupy Wall Street protests have now moved into their second month spreading across not just the United States but the world and looking more like Occupy Everywhere. Washington and Wall Street may criticize the movement but when you look at the economic facts -- they back up protesters' grievances. And one-percenters like Michael Pento, President of Pento Portfolio Strategies, see that very clearly. The unlikely sympathizer believes the root of the problem is the Federal Reserve -- calls to end the Fed and bring back manufacturing. He also reveals his favorite protest slogan.

Protester confronts Dylan Ratigan at Occupy Wall Street

Protester confronts Dylan Ratigan at Occupy Wall Street

Dylan Ratigan, host of the MSNBC program The Dylan Ratigan Show, made an appearance in Lower Manhattan on Wednesday amid the growing Occupy Wall Street protests. One demonstrator, however, verbally unleashed on the pundit, calling him out for making far too much money off of Wall Street himself to show his support. Former MSNBC co-hort Cenk Uygur looks on as a protester explains in the aftermath why he is anti-Ratigan.
