Attorney General announced the French, Francois Moulin, the investigation into the appearance of the second young Frenchman named "Michael dos Santos", within the video to regulate "Daash" terrorist, between the perpetrators of the death sentences on the Syrian soldiers.
It quoted "Reuters" news agency, the Attorney General French, on Thursday, that Santos, who is 22 years old, from the city of "Hambyny-sur-Marne", near the capital, Paris, joined the ranks of the Mujahideen in Syria, during August 2013, and had no criminal record.
The mayor of his hometown, and added that his mother informed the judicial authorities and the police some time ago about the extremism of her son, and that "Michael" is known about him, his involvement with terrorist elements in Syria, and the exercise of violence.
And the opening of the French prosecutor, a preliminary investigation targets within the ranks of the French "Daash", guilty of murder by an organized gang with respect to terrorist acts, and the formation of criminal groups, initiate investigations of the General Directorate of Homeland Security.
"Reuters" and revealed that the French were involved in 1132 to go to Syria and Iraq, 376 of them are still there, including 88 women and 10 minors, and 226 in transit, and the death of 49 in war zones.
Said Sebastien Pietrasanta, in charge of the socialist anti-terror law in France: of these young people from comes from a small village like "Normandy", and some of them come from the big cities, the door is wide, and the young Michael Santos, no precedents to him, except for a misdemeanor driving without a license, and try to escape, and changed his religion to Islam, when he was 17 years old through the Internet.
It is noteworthy that the French intelligence identified "Maxime Ouchar Norman", in 2011, who paid between October 2012 and May 2013 two trips to Mauritania, to attend classes in Koranic education institutions Salafi, then returned to France, to set off them to Syria in August 2013, under the guise of work humanitarian, and then published pictures uniformed fighting through "Facebook", and called for young people to join the ranks of the Mujahideen.