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Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Afghan heroin kills 10X more than Taliban

Afghan heroin kills 10X more than Taliban

The war in Afghanistan continues to wage on it may not be the largest problem facing the war torn nation. Russia and the United States are teaming up to take on the Afghan drug industry which has continued to spiral out of control. Earlier, Director of the Russian Drug Control Service Victor Ivanov was in Washington to push the Americans to help eradicate poppy fields in Afghanistan

US Military: Volunteer or Recruited Force? (Part Two)

US Military: Volunteer or Recruited Force? (Part Two)

In Part One of this military recruitment report, we showed you the various tactics, often misleading methods, being implemented to try to get young men and women to enlist. Part Two focuses on just how far some of these recruiters will go to meet their numbers, targeting younger and younger students as US forces are already stretched thin overseas. Although many parents are unaware of the fact that their kids are heavily recruited in middle school and high school, several activists, veterans, and parents are turning their outrage into action.

Peter Schiff: "US in process of collapsing"

Peter Schiff: "US in process of collapsing"

As the US financial crisis continues, the G20 has started to take place in South Korea. Going into the meetings the US hopes to "rebalance" the world's economies. Can US treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner do anything substantial at the G20 meetings? Peter Schiff from Euro Pacific Capital says for the US to continue its failed policy and blame other countries for what is an American problem makes no sense.

Jim Rogers: "US will lose economic war"

Jim Rogers: "US will lose economic war"

China has become the world's fastest growing economy, what can the US be taught from the Chinese as the US economy continues to struggle? Jim Rogers, co-founder of the Quantum Fund says that US citizens should save and invest their money as their Chinese counter parts have. The Chinese are saving and investing an average of 35% of their income, taking an age old US principle and using it to their advantage.

US Military: Volunteer or Recruited force?

US Military: Volunteer or Recruited force?

US forces like to boast that they are the best and brightest in the world, but the story of how they got there is often untold and underreported. For example, what is the real driving force behind the decision to enlist in the first place? From high tech army experience centers to professional recruiters who show up in places like schools, malls, and popular hangouts for teenagers, RT's Dina Gusovsky takes a look at recruitment tactics in the United States. Focusing on the stories of three veterans, the question is: Is the Pentagon telling these young men and women the truth about war before they go overseas, or deceiving them just so that they sign their names on the dotted line? This is Part One of the report.

French riots in US future

French riots in US future

could be argued that the United States started the new age of the protest during the 1960's, however has the US lost its voice? People in France are taking to the streets rioting in mass protest against the potential new law which would raise the minimum age for retirement. Brian Becker with the A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition predicts next year frustrated Americans may take to the streets to reclaim their rights

Tarpley: US exports depression to China

Tarpley: US exports depression to China

you look at the global economy and take a look at growth, China is in the lead and in some cases is leaving the world in the dust. Is China to blame for the recession in the United States and has the US declared economic warfare? Maybe it is time for America to take a page out of China's playbook for economic success. Asia Times correspondent Pepe Escobar and Investigative journalist Webster Tarpley join RT's Kristine Frazao to discuss the world's economy and Chinas place in it.

Tea Party founder: "Tea Party is a joke"

Tea Party founder: "Tea Party is a joke"

The Tea Party began as a movement to take back the United States from corrupt politicians. The Tea Party movement has been hijacked by Republicans and is now all about guns, gods and gays. Karl Denninger of The Market Ticker was one of the original founders of the Tea Party and calls the direction of the group an absolute joke.
