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Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Arizona's boycott boom

Arizona's boycott boom

Ever since Arizona Governor Jan Brewer signed the divisive immigration law, corporations, high profile individuals and immigration activists have been calling for a boycott of the border state. Despite the outrage, however, Arizona's economy seems to be doing just fine. Recent data compiled by a market research group show hotel bookings across the state have increased over the past few months. Could the alleged boycott actually have the opposite affect and contribute to, instead of sink, the Arizona economy?

Ground Zero "mega-mosque" = Tourism for terrorists

Ground Zero "mega-mosque" = Tourism for terrorists

Today the New York City landmarks panel removed any restrictions on use of a building near Ground Zero, paving the way for it to become a mosque. Many people are up in arms about the "ground zero mosque" including Pamela Geller from Stop the Islamicization of America, who has call the proposed cultural and worship center a "megamosque" that will increase terrorist tourism.

Newsweek fail?

Newsweek fail?

Does Sidney Harman's purchase of Newsweek for $1 indicate that the mainstream media exists only as a vanity project? RT contributor Danny Schechter explained that the media industry is undergoing both an identify and financial crisis, with older forms of media struggling to redefine themselves. The environment is more competitive and the profit model uncertain; it is possible Newsweek will die out. But -- is there a hidden political agenda? Harmon's wife in is a US Congresswomen, after all.

Drug debate: Committing crime v. getting caught

Drug debate: Committing crime v. getting caught

Today President Barack Obama signed the Fair Sentencing Act, which aims to equalize punishment for crack and powdered cocaine. TJ McCormack said the law is pandering to minorities, but Aaron Houston says that minorities are unfairly punished by drug laws. The issue isn't who is committing the crimes, but instead who is getting caught.

Celente: US oligopoly is a big lie

Celente: US oligopoly is a big lie

August marks the three year anniversary of the beginning of the financial crisis. The collapse continues today, said Gerald Celente of the Trends Research Institute. Celente says that by focusing on the Great Depression, government experts are focused on the past and are neglecting the future. The Great Depression is history, argued Celente, saying it is time to look to the future, not the past.

Civil war in Iraq?

Civil war in Iraq?

US President Barack Obama announced today that the United States has a comprehensive plan to withdraw all of the US combat troops from Iraq. Marie Abu Sarah says that once the United States withdraw troops from Iraq, the situation will very likely get worse, maybe even resulting in civil war.
