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Thursday, October 14, 2010

The 3 Minute Download: Danny Schechter, Joe Wiesenthal and George Hemminger

The 3 Minute Download: Danny Schechter, Joe Wiesenthal and George Hemminger

Tonight on The 3 Minute Download, the first Guantanamo Bay detainee has been brought over to the United States to be tried in a court of law. The mainstream media has been involved from the beginning "blowing up" the story, when detainees were first brought over to the US. Plus, Wall Street has spent more than $250 million dollars this year lobbying Congress, how much does Wall Street influence Capitol Hill? And, Americans continue to lose their homes and foreclosures continue to rise, who is to blame for this crisis?

Congress in pocket of Wall Street

Congress in pocket of Wall Street

Congress passed a bill October 12th with very little resistance that would allow foreclosure and other documents to be accepted among multiple states. Wall Street has spent more than $250 million dollars this year lobbying Congress, how much does Wall Street influence Capitol Hill? With money changing hands easily and policy following, it seems Congress is in the pocket of these high powered companies

Terrorists coming to Manhattan

Terrorists coming to Manhattan

The first Guantanamo Bay detainee has been brought over to the United States to be tried in a court of law. The mainstream media has been involved from the beginning "blowing up" the story, when detainees were first brought over to the US. Why has the mainstream media hyped up these stories so much? Danny Schechter a filmmaker and blogger says that the mainstream media tries to sensationalize any story involved with 9/11 to play on the emotions of Americans

US real estate collapse

US real estate collapse

The recession is clearly not over, at least when it comes to the United States' inability to protect its citizens homes. Americans continue to lose their homes and foreclosures continue to rise, who is to blame for this crisis? Many people have said that the banks are to blame for fraudulently processing financial documents. George Hemminger the founder of Survive and Thrive TV believes the US Federal Reserve is to blame for this "Wall Street engineered collapse" because it injected too much liquidity into the market.

Los Ricos También Lloran

Los Ricos También Lloran

The recession's one-two punch first hit Middle America, and now even the rich are feeling the blow. Among the masses who are now receiving unemployment benefits, are thousands of millionaires. They're not just joining the population of the unemployed. This year we've seen a huge spike in the number of million dollar homes being foreclosed on. RT's Ramon Galindo takes a look at how the rich are also hurting because of the foreclosure crisis
