RussiaToday 13/3/2013:'Pope No More!' Femen vs Vatican in nude protest for gay marriage ,Iran vs Hollywood: Tehran vows lawsuit against Oscar-winning Argo ,Chasing the Dragon: 'China will overtake US as world's largest economy'
'Pope No More!' Femen vs Vatican in nude protest for gay marriage
Two activists from the Ukrainian feminist group Femen were dragged away from the edge of Saint Peter's Square by police late on Tuesday as they protested against the Vatican's opposition to gay marriage. The protesters set off pink flares chanting "Pope no more!" before they were restrained by officers and carried to a police station. The protest came as cardinals from around the globe locked themselves inside the Sistine Chapel to choose a new leader for Catholics.
Iran vs Hollywood: Tehran vows lawsuit against Oscar-winning Argo
The Oscar-winning blockbuster 'Argo' may have been bathing in gongs and glowing praise, but now it's getting some attention its makers probably don't want. Iran's apparently planning a lawsuit over the movie, which chronicles the storming of the US Embassy in Tehran in 1979 - calling it a distorted and unrealistic portrayal of their country.
Chasing the Dragon: 'China will overtake US as world's largest economy'
Beijing's been rapidly growing over the last two decades - at a speed which has brought it close to the traditionally major economies - including the US and even allowed it to surpass Europe's powerhouse, Germany. That's slowed down a bit recently but, China's still expected to overtake the US as the world's biggest economy in 2017. The economic rivalry comes amid the battle for influence in Asia between the two.
Manning Leaked Testimony: US Army a 'child torturing ants with magnifying glass'
A speech freedom advocacy group has released audio of Bradley Manning's testimony about his motives for leaking secret US government documents to WikiLeaks. It marks the first time the public has heard Manning's voice since his 2010 arrest. LISTEN TO FULL MANNING'S TESTIMONY
Occupy & Sink It! OWS should rock Wall Street boats
Watch the full episode of Keiser Report Episode 418 on Thursday!
In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert discuss the Wall Street clients who have no yachts and the American workers taking on second and third jobs. They also discuss the trillions in debt incurred just to keep the economy going nowhere. In the second half of the show, Max Keiser talks to Steve Keen, author of Debunking Economics, about central bankers smoking their own belly button lint with Ben Bernanke behaving like an Easter Islander trying to rescue the past. Professor Keen says we need to get back to a capitalism where we borrow to build a factory not to build a derivative to rip someone off. And, finally, they discuss Keen's Kickstarter project called Minsky, reforming economics with visual monetary modeling.
CrossTalk: Falkvinas
Falklanders have cast their vote in favor of remaining a UK overseas territory. But does this solve the problem of sovereignty? Should the world respect their self-determination? And in the 21st century, is the UK still a colonial power? CrossTalking with Luke Coffey, Richard Gott and Wilder Alejandro Sanchez.
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