Westminster Dog Show 2013 - V.I.P.: Very Important Pooch
When the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show comes to town, the Hotel Pennsylvania literally goes to the dogs. A specialty spa and exercise center cater to hundreds of canine visitors and their owners.
Calorie Detective: The Real Math Behind Food Labels - Op-Docs
With the help of a science lab, the filmmaker Casey Neistat finds that calorie listings on food labels can be highly inaccurate.
State of the Union 2013: President Obama's Complete Speech, With Annotated Analysis
State of the Union 2013: President Obama's Speech
President Obama delivered his State of the Union address on Tuesday, Feb. 12. Reporters and editors of The New York Times provided analysis of parts of the speech. Segments of the address that they wrote about have been noted in the video and can be accessed on The New York Times Web site at the links below:
Analysis #1: Manufacturing, http://nyti.ms/UcK6BG
Analysis #2: Action on Climate Change, http://nyti.ms/Z9mnFf
Analysis #3: Achieving Energy Security, http://nyti.ms/X3Oa79
Analysis #4: Expanding Pre-Kindergarten, http://nyti.ms/UcK395
Analysis #5: A Path to Citizenship, http://nyti.ms/12vPHCe
Analysis #6: Raising the Minimum Wage, http://nyti.ms/12e63nF
Analysis #7: Ending the Afghanistan War, http://nyti.ms/12e5v0Q
Analysis #8: Transparency in Counterterrorism, http://nyti.ms/VTBRqA
Analysis #9: Improving Voting, http://nyti.ms/Wkx9nO
Analysis #10: Gun Control Proposals, http://nyti.ms/XyqhEO
Marco Rubio 2013 State of the Union GOP Response (English Version)
Marco Rubio's Water Break - GOP 2013 State of the Union Response
Marco Rubio takes an awkward break during his State of the Union response
State of the Union 2013: Obama Calls for Gun Reform in Address
Citing the Newtown, Conn., shooting, President Obama called for gun control legislation in his State of the Union speech.
State of the Union 2013: President Obama on Minimum Wage Increase
In his State of the Union address, President Obama called for tying the minimum wage to the cost of living.
State of the Union 2013: President Obama on Deficit Reduction
In his State of the Union speech, President Obama said "deficit reduction alone is not an economic plan."
Thom's State of the Union speech
My fellow Americans...The State of the Union is strong. Its politicians, however, are stupid and bought off by everybody from Oil Billionaires like the Koch Brothers and Saudi sheiks, to transnational corporations and defense contractors. Tune in for Thom's State of the Union speech.
Big Picture Rumble - Dick Cheney Was Right about Deficits!
Marc Harrold, "Observations of White Noise...an 'Acid Test' for the First Amendment" & Vince Coglianese, Daily Caller & Richard Fowler, the Richard Fowler Show all Join Thom Hartmann
Big Picture Rumble - Ted Nugent is an Idiot
Marc Harrold, "Observations of White Noise...an 'Acid Test' for the First Amendment" & Vince Coglianese, Daily Caller & Richard Fowler, the Richard Fowler Show all Join Thom Hartmann
The Good, The Bad and the Very Very Rosorialously Ugly!
The Good! *New Mexico Gov. Susana Martinez ®* Martinez - a Republican - said on Monday night that she would be willing to sign proposed gun control legislation that is aimed at closing the so-called "gun-show loophole" in New Mexico. Martinez told a local blogsite that, quote, "I think I could support it if it stays the way it is, that has, number one, keeping the guns out of the hands of people who don't have any business having guns." A bill to close the gun show loophole has already passed through a committee in the New Mexico state house - and will be taken up by the full state house tomorrow. Kudos to Gov. Martinez - for standing up to her party - and for putting the lives of Americans ahead of gun lobby interests.
Revealed - The Tea Party Paid for by Phillip Morris
The Tea Party of 1773 was a revolt against transnational corporate power - and its stranglehold on the British government. The Tea Party of today is funded by those very same transnational corporations. So what's happened over the last 40 years?
Thom Destroys "Overpopulation" So-Called Expert...
Jonathan Last, The Weekly Standard & author, "What to Expect When No One's Expecting" joins Thom Hartmann. Conventional wisdom says that overpopulation is a global threat - that has the potential to wipe out resources - cause widespread famine - and bring our environment and civilization to their knees. Not according to Jonathan Last.
Thom delivers his State of the Union Address focusing on jobs, climate change and infrastructure, and tonight's "Big Picture Politics Panel" previews President Obama's address. Also discussed: what a high-speed rail system could look like in the U.S., whether underpopulation is a threat to our country and in tonight's "Daily Take" Thom details the origins of the Tea Party.
Thom covers the Golden Dawn Party protests at the U.S. Embassy in Greece over the weekend, the latest on the Christopher Dorner manhunt in LA and what Vermont legislators are doing to preemptively avoid becoming a right-to-work state. In tonight's "Daily Take" Thom discusses how the media has failed in their reporting of why the Post Office will no longer deliver mail on Saturdays.
Video: Chinese naval fleet returns home after training in Pacific
A People's Liberation Army Navy fleet is on their way to Qingdao Port in northeast China after they finished intensive training missions in the West Pacific. During the training, the fleet held drills about attacks and defense, air defense and anti-submarine and over-the-horizon attack. Meanwhile, the training tested tactics, technical performances and computerized remote capacity of supplies.
Israel gagged media over suicide in custody of secret 'Prisoner X'
Israeli media and officials are outraged over a new government censorship order preventing media from writing about a report on an Australian man who worked for Mossad, and was secretly detained for months until he committed suicide in 2010 - READ MORE http://on.rt.com/ij7klb
CrossTalk: US-Iran Nuclear Talks
Will Iran and the US get down to serious negotiations? Who's more overconfident? From Tehran's perspective, it must 'surrender' to Washington before negotiations even begin. Does Iran have a point? What's driving Washington's hostility towards Iran? And is there a possible win-win scenario both sides could live with? CrossTalking with Mohammad Marandi, Majid Rafizadeh and Gareth Porter.
Final Pledge? Obama vows Afghan troops pull-out by Feb. 2014
During his first State of the Union address of his second term Barack Obama announced 34,000 troops are to leave Afghanistan by next February.
Honkey infestation causes inflationary vortex
Watch the full Keiser Report E406 on Thursday.
In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert discuss the honkey infestation causing an inflationary vortex and the Dutch sandwich being the financial equivalent of a horsemeat burger. And how the FSAs - the Financial Services Authority and the Food Standards Agency - operate with a similar cover up mentality. In the second half of the show, Max Keiser talks to anthropologist, David Graeber, author of Debt: The First 5000 Years, about the dollar, a war backed currency, being displaced by gold and about who killed Aaron Swartz and why.
'Survival of N. Korea regime depends on nuclear weapons'
The UN Security Council has issued a stern rebuke to North Korea over its third nuclear test - as it held an emergency meeting in response to the test, which was in defiance of international regulations. The organisation says it plans to beef-up the sanctions already in place for the country's previous atomic exercises.
China was among those who criticised North Korea's nuclear test. However, war correspondent and columnist Eric Margolis thinks the relations between the two allies are unlikely to sour.
State of Denial: Pockets not rockets dominate Obama's 2013 SOTU speech
Barack Obama devoted his first State of the Union address of his second term to trying to appease lawmakers and taxpayers, with fresh promises to boost the economy and slash debt and deficit. A further reduction of the occupation force in Afghanistan was also announced, with 34 thousand troops due to leave by next February. But certain sticky issues were notably left out of the speech, as RT's Gayane Chichakyan reports.
Красочный салют в честь китайского Нового года (ВИДЕО)
Красочным салютом отметили в Гонконге наступление Нового года по китайскому календарю. Десятки тысяч людей собрались в порту Виктория, чтобы понаблюдать за праздничным представлением.
Северная Корея провела третье ядерное испытание
Северокорейские власти подтвердили факт проведения третьего ядерного испытания и заверили, что оно прошло успешно при полном соблюдении мер безопасности. Судя по всему, Пхеньян действительно обладает военными ядерными технологиями, что придает этой стране новый статус. МИД России уже осудил действия КНДР. Подробности - в материале корреспондента RT Егора Пискунова.
КНДР считает ядерное оружие символом независимости
Подземные ядерные испытания, которые провела Северная Корея, вызвали бурную реакцию, особенно в западных СМИ. Однако, по мнению журналиста Эрика Марголиса, у КНДР - небольшой ядерный потенциал, и он необходим лишь в целях обороны, а не для войны с Западом.
Эксперт: "Священникам больше нельзя доверять"
Папа Римский Бенедикт XVI не выполнил своих обещаний, заявила глава организации, защищающей права жертв священников-педофилов, Барбара Доррис. Понтифик не только не наказывал педофилов, но, напротив, давал им более высокие чины. По мнению Доррис, подняться вверх в церковной иерархии может тот, кто смотрит сквозь пальцы на сексуальные домогательства.
МИД РФ осудил ядерные испытания КНДР
МИД России призывает КНДР прекратить ядерные испытания и полностью отказаться от ракетно-ядерных программ. Об этом заявил официальный представитель Министерства иностранных дел Александр Лукашевич. Он также отметил, что, продолжая проводить подобные испытания, Северная Корея нарушает международное законодательство.
Эксперт: Атаки беспилотников - «незаконные убийства»
В эфире RT эксперт в области прав человека Стэнли Коэн поделился своим мнением о программе точечной ликвидации США. Он отметил, что атаки беспилотников не имеют законного основания и являются убийством без суда и следствия.
Лавров: "КНДР проигнорировала международное право"
Министр иностранных дел РФ Сергей Лавров выступил с осуждением ядерных испытаний, проведенных Северной Кореей. Он заявил, что власти КНДР в очередной раз проигнорировали нормы международного права и такие действия заслуживают адекватной реакции в Совбезе ООН.
Акция FEMEN в соборе Нотр-Дам-де-Пари
Активистки французского подразделения движения FEMEN устроили акцию, приуроченную к заявлению Бенедикта XVI об уходе с папского престола. Они разделись в соборе Парижской Богоматери и стали звонить в колокола. Охрана оперативно вмешалась в ситуацию и вывела девушек из собора.
Правда о Че Геваре
В эксклюзивном интервью для RT дочь легендарного кубинского революционера Че Гевары, вопреки спекуляциям, расскажет правду о своем отце и его отношениях с Фиделем Кастро. Полную версию интервью смотрите 13 февраля на RT.
Великобритания задыхается от наплыва иммигрантов
Последние десять лет в Великобританию ежегодно приезжает около 600 тысяч иммигрантов из разных стран. По прогнозам экспертов в области демографии через 50 лет белое население Великобритании станет меньшинством. Подробнее о проблеме из Лондона сообщает корреспондент RT Полина Бойко.
«Молодые египтяне чувствуют что их предали»
Раскол в египетском обществе, произошедший в 2011 году, по-прежнему увеличивается. По словам журналиста Рамзи Баруда, масштабы беспорядков и число жертв в стране растут не только из-за жестких мер, которые применяют полицейские, но также из-за дефицита доверия египтян как к правительству, так и к оппозиции.
Guidelines for killing US citizens stir outrage
Since the recent leaking of a secretive white paper that explains the White House's policy on extrajudicial executions, the issue of unmanned drones has flooded the mainstream media. According to the document, the president can order a drone strike on American citizens with no evidence or justification of a crime or connection to terrorists. But why after a decade of the drone program is it getting much more attention? Stanley Cohen, an international human rights lawyer, sounds off on the topic.
Dorner manhunt intensifies: LAPD calls on the drones?
Ex-Los Angeles cop Christopher Dorner has made headlines for hunting his own at the LAPD. In 2009, Dorner was fired from the force and vowed to take revenge on those responsible for his release. As of now, Dorner allegedly has killed three people and the LAPD has been involved in two incidents where innocent civilians were shot at due to the intensifying fear brought on by Dorner. The LAPD might have called on the assistance of drones to target Dorner. Tracy Oppenheimer, producer for Reason TV, brings us the latest on the Dorner manhunt.
Dark history of U.S. guest workers
President Obama and Congress have vowed to make immigration reform a top priority. The bipartisan reform plan in the senate includes an expansion to the guest worker program. The U.S. has a long history of guest worker programs, which critics say exploit cheap labor, and benefit only big business.
Cyberwarfare coming to US
According to a new intelligence assessment by the US government, the amount of cyber attacks aimed at the US are on the rise. The report also explained who is behind the attacks and how these hacks are not only a threat to national security, but as well as America's economic competitiveness in the global market. RT's Meghan Lopez brings us more on who is being targeted.
DHS engages 'Constitution free' zones around US border
According to the US Department of Homeland Security, anyone who is within a 100 mile radius of the US border is subject to the search and seizure of any and all electronic devices for no apparent reason. These zones known as "Constitution free" zones have many privacy advocates speaking out against the new policy and fear that this new procedure is a violation of civil liberties for American citizens. Kevin Gosztola, blogger for FireDogLake, sounds off on the latest from the DHS.
TSA snaps rare cello in two
German cellist Alban Gerhardt is speaking out against the TSA after an incident last Wednesday at Chicago's O'Hare Airport where agents of the administration snapped his rare Heinrich Knopf cello in two. RT's Meghan Lopez brings us more.
Crazy Russian Driving: 'Brakes invented by a coward?'
Driving in Russia is hard enough, but heavy snowfall combined with a changing temperature has created extreme conditions on the roads of the Russian capital. Prime Time's Roman Kosarev explores how to avoid collisions on ice and get home safely.
Doomsday Looms? Zombie apocalypse & cannibal rabbit from S. Korea at film fest
K-Shorts film festival features latest short movies from South Korea. So be prepared for bizarre diseases, cannibal rabbit and zombie apocalypse. What more could you want? RT talks to director Pil-Sung Yim.
Time now to reward yourself with a relaxing drink to mark the end of the working week...And as our mixologist expert Bek Narzi explains, it doesn't have to contain alcohol to get you into the weekend mood.
Relaxing Reward: Alco-free drink can get you into the weekend mood!
Welcome to Capital Account. Is the stock market partying like its 1999? Despite major risks and lack of corporate transparency, the stock market has made strong gains over the last year. As Bloomberg recently noted "Americans have missed out on almost $200 billion of stock gains as they drained money from the market in the past four years, haunted by the financial crisis." So who is buying stocks given so many Americans are pulling out of the market? We talk to Chris Martenson about his outlook for 2013. And Congress' success in negotiating a fiscal cliff tax increase was portrayed as a major accomplishment, an increase that will add 600 billion dollars in new government revenue over 10 years. But additional revenue averaging $60 billion per year is less than 6% of our current trillion dollar deficits. We talk to Peak Prosperity's Chris Martenson about the prospects of reducing the US's debt and the plausibility of minting the trillion dollar platinum coin.
Plus, gold tumbled after the release of yesterday's Fed minutes. Gold has been on the move down since last October, but the mention of a potential end to QE brought gold prices lower. Dennis Gartman, publisher of The Gartman Letter, wrote that gold bugs, operating on the thesis the Fed has lost control of the money supply, are in tatters. Other gold traders, according to Bloomberg, expect prices to bounce back from the longest weekly losing streak in eight years, as concerns mount that US lawmakers are not doing enough to control budget deficits. Is there more to the swings in the gold price than meet the eye? We ask Keith Weiner, president of the Gold Standard Institute and CEO of Monetary Metals, if the claims of gold market manipulation are founded.
And our discussion of the "dairy cliff" sent some viewers over the YouTube commenter cliff. Lauren pulls the conversation back from the ledge in today's Viewer Feedback. Plus Lauren and Demetri have an important message at the end of the show.
Minting the PLASTIC Coin & Countering Claims of Metals Manipulation w/Chris Martenson & Keith Weiner
Jon Carson, Executive Director of Organizing for Action, outlines next steps for the grassroots organization.
Jon Carson, Executive Director of Organizing for Action, Outlines Next Steps
Say you're in for the next phase of this grassroots movement: http://my.barackobama.com/Organizing-...
The First Lady on the Launch of Organizing for Action
Today in History for Monday, February 11th
Highlights of this day in history: South Africa frees Nelson Mandela; Allied leaders in the last months of World War II sign the Yalta accords; Ayatollah Khomeini's followers seize power in Iran; inventor Thomas Edison born. (Feb. 11)
New Orleans Residents: the Show Must Go On
The Mardi Gras Bacchus parade rolled through New Orleans as planned on Sunday, despite both a threat from the weather and a weekend shooting that left four people injured. Residents said they were determined to show the city's positive side. (Feb. 11)
Raw: Celebrations Mark Start of Lunar New Year
Holiday celebrations featuring historical re-enactments and folk customs alike to usher in the Year of the Snake took place across the globe on Sunday, the first day of Asian Lunar New Year.
Raw: Homes Wrecked in Mississippi
A tornado tore through Hattiesburg, Mississippi on Sunday, wrecking numerous homes and buildings. More than a dozen people in the area were hurt. (Feb. 11)
Leaving Hospital? Heed Warnings or Risk Return
Repeat hospital stays that could have been avoided are all too commonplace for the nation's elderly. They're costing billions and prompting hospitals and patients to get creative to avoid the revolving door. (Feb. 11)
Big Dig: Northeast Copes With Massive Snowfall
Crews from around the US and Canada are heading to New England, to help restore power to the more than 100,000 homes and businesses in the dark and cold. Numerous roads remain blocked by snow in Connecticut. (Feb. 11)
Tornado Witness: It Took My Breath Away
Witness Eric Price videotaped the huge tornado that wrecked Hattiesburg, Mississippi on Sunday. Price told the AP that he never expected to see anything that big. (Feb. 11)
Pope to Resign This Month
The Vatican announced on Monday that Pope Benedict XVI is resigning at the end of February. The 85 year old pontiff said he can no longer keep up with his responsibilities. (Feb. 11)
Pope to Resign This Month
The Vatican announced on Monday that Pope Benedict XVI is resigning at the end of February. The 85 year old pontiff said he can no longer keep up with his responsibilities. (Feb. 11)
AP Top Stories Feb. 11 A
Here's the latest news for: Monday, Feb. 11th. Pope resigning on Feb. 28, conclave in March; Homes wrecked, dozen hurt in Mississippi tornado; Northeast returns to everyday routines after snow; Varied winners at Grammy Awards.
Cardinal Dolan: I Admire the Pope's 'humility'
New York Cardinal Timothy Dolan says he was as startled as the rest of the world about Pope Benedict XVI's announcement that he will resign later this month due to failing health. (Feb. 11)
Raw: Homes Wrecked, Dozen Hurt in Miss. Tornado
In hard-hit Hattiesburg, Miss., a twister moved along one of the city's main streets and damaged buildings at the University of Southern Mississippi. Emergency officials said late Sunday that at least 10 people in the region were injured. (Feb. 11)
DC Catholics: 'Surprised' by Pope's Abdication
Some Catholics in Washington DC expressed their surprise that Pope Benedict XVI would be resigning at the end of the month. The Pope made the announcement Monday at the Vatican. (Feb. 11)
Cardinal Wuerl: Pope's Timing 'Appropriate'
Cardinal Donald Wuerl, the Archbishop of Washington answered questions about Pope Benedict XVI's resignation. As a member of the conclave to elect the next pope, he says the choice will be driven by God and the candidate's qualifications. (Feb. 11)
NY Archdiocese: Church in 'Wait and See Mode'
The New York Archdiocese says there is no modern precedent for a papal resignation like that announced Monday by Pope Benedict XVI. An archdiocese spokesman says they're in a 'wait and see mode,' anticipating instructions from the Vatican. (Feb. 11)
Cortesía: Eric Price
Debido a este desastre natural, más de 12 personas resultaron heridas leves. Por el momento no se informa de víctimas mortales.
Las autoridades de Mississippi han confirmado que decenas de estructuras han quedado dañadas, también en el campus de la Universidad del Sur de Mississippi. Muchos hogares se han quedado sin electricidad. Asimismo, informan del riesgo de posibles inundaciones, por lo que se ha declarado estado de emergencia en cuatro condados (Forrest, Lamar, Marion y Lawrence) y se recomienda a población que tome medidas de precaución.
Johnny DuPree, alcalde de la localidad de Hattiesburg, la ciudad más afectada por el paso del tornado, indicó que varios edificios han sufrido destrozos graves, aunque se mostró aliviado por el hecho de que el tornado sobreviniera precisamente en domingo, cuando las instituciones estaban cerradas.
El Papa Benedicto XVI renunciará el próximo 28 de febrero, según informa la agencia de noticias ANSA y que fue confirmado por el Vaticano. El anuncio fue hecho personalmente en latín en el consistorio para la canonización de los mártires de Otranto.
Según el Santo Pontífice anunció la decisión ha sido tomada por "motivos de salud". Por el momento todavía no hay detalles sobre la noticia, pero en los últimos meses se habían multiplicado las voces que daban una posible renuncia del Papa.
Tras el fallecimiento de Juan Pablo II, fue elegido como el 265º papa el 19 de abril de 2005 por los cardenales que votaron en el cónclave.
La última vez que se produjo una renuncia al trono papal fue en 1415
Gonzalo Wancha sostiene que el ataque del viernes -el primer atentado terrorista de la historia del país-, repetido la noche del sábado y este mismo lunes en la ciudad e Gao "evidencia que a pesar de las mediáticas tomas de Gao, Kidal y Tombuctú por el Ejército francés, aún queda mucho para expulsar a los terroristas del país". Después de los choques con islamistas, este lunes aviones franceses bombardearon la ciudad.
El equipo de RT tuvo acceso a los campamentos de las milicias civiles que se preparan para luchar contra los terroristas. "Estoy listo, porque me sacrifico. Doy mi vida para salvar a mi familia, que está en el norte, ya que aquí cada uno de nosotros representa a una familia", comenta Afisou Touré, cabo de la milicia de Ganda Koy.
"Francia trata de frenar las operaciones de los yihadistas", reconoce este miliciano, aunque se pregunta qué va a pasar cuando abandonen el país, porque aún "no han atrapado a los malhechores" que -afirma- "permanecen camuflados entre la población".
"Es obligatorio que nos den la oportunidad de ir sobre el terreno y terminar el trabajo. Somos nosotros los que podemos hacer frente a los terroristas, porque somos del norte, conocemos a cada persona, a cada pueblo, somos nosotros los que podemos frenarlos", destacó.
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Pese al desarme, el arsenal de EE.UU. seguiría bastando para destruir el planeta
El analista internacional Txente Rekondo opina que la posible propuesta
de EE.UU. de reducción de armamento nuclear podría tener fines ocultos:
a pesar del recorte, el arsenal sería suficiente para destruir el
"Con el resto de armamento que quedaría intacto tiene la capacidad suficiente para responder a cualquier supuesto ataque [...] incluso mantener totalmente segura la estabilidad de EE.UU. ante cualquier riesgo. Pero al mismo tiempo no olvidemos que esa capacidad de EE.UU. a pesar del recorte sería suficiente para destruir el conjunto del planeta", dijo Rekondo a RT.
"Van a buscar con esta declaración mostrar al mundo una supuesta predisposición, una predisposición unilateral condicionada con la política interna de EE.UU. y [...] con la crisis con ese déficit tan elevado. Y con ello yo creo que EE.UU. está intentando pasar el balón al tejado de Rusia, intentar obligar a Rusia a tener que dar los mismos pasos en aras de un mundo más seguro", explicó.
Crean ropa antivigilancia para burlar al 'Gran Hermano'
Observar el clima, tomar fotografías del terreno o monitorear el tráfico serán algunas funciones de los drones en la vida civil. Pero por el camino usted podría formar parte de la base de datos que elaborarán estos robots voladores.
"Esto abre la puerta a muchos abusos de la privacidad. No solo por parte del Gobierno, sino también de empresas", sostiene Adam Harvey, un diseñador de Nueva York que para evitar ser blanco de alguno de los 30.000 drones que se espera que sobrevuelen EE.UU. en los próximos 10 años, ha creado una línea de ropa antidrones.
Debido a su versatilidad y bajo costo, España, Ecuador o Chile también están interesados en utilizar aviones no tripulados para apoyo de la vigilancia policial.
Otra de las técnicas que se utilizan para recabar información personal es el reconocimiento facial: sistemas que escanean caras y crean una especie de código numérico indivual para cada rostro.
¿Son los escándalos eclesiásticos la verdadera causa de la renuncia del papa?
El analista Pedro García cree que la renuncia del papa podría tener relación con los recientes escándalos en el Vaticano. Sin embargo, dice, es solo un elemento que no puede explicar completamente la decisión.
"Hay que buscar sentido en las propias palabras que ha hecho el papa en su comunicado y el tiempo dirá qué es lo que está pasando, pero sin duda están pasando cosas", indicó Pedro García, doctor de la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca.
Según el analista, ha ocurrido algo que "ha extinguido la voluntad" del actual Sumo Pontífice para hacer frente a la situación y a los problemas, y recuerda que "un papa puede perfectamente administrarse, dosificar su esfuerzo, su presencia pública" para contrarrestar el cansancio de una persona de edad.
García cree que lo que más debe preocupar a la comunidad católica es averiguar lo que realmente le sucede al papa, mientras que intentar adivinar el nombre de quién puede ser su sucesor tiene que "estar en segundo plano". No obstante, García considera muy posible que un representante latinoamericano, como el cardenal argentino Leonardo Sandri, llegue al Vaticano.
Daniel Estulin:La decisión del Papa es fruto de la lucha a muerte entre la masonería y catolicismo
El periodista e investigador Daniel Estulin nos comenta EN DIRECTO las posibles causas de la dimisión del papa Benedicto ХVI.