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Saturday, November 10, 2012

AssociatedPress 9/11/2012 - 18-Inch Gator Found in Cleveland , AP Top Stories , Raw: Gas Rationing Begins in N.Y.

A Cleveland sewer crew found an 18-inch alligator in a creek on Thursday. The gator was nearly frozen, but has since been revived. (Nov. 9) 18-Inch Gator Found in Cleveland AP Top Stories Here's the latest news for: Friday, November 9th: Post nor'easter gas rationing; Obama faces choice on fiscal cliff; Clinton honors slain envoy to Libya; 18-inch gator found in Cleveland. Raw: Gas Rationing Begins in N.Y. Long lines are seen at a gas station in Brooklyn, as gas rationing begins across the city and on Long Island. Officials say it was imposed to ease the long waits for gasoline, which they say has caused panic-buying and hoarding. (Nov. 9) Boehner: Debt Limit Should Be Part of Talks House Speaker John Boehner says any deal to avert the so-called fiscal cliff should include lower tax rates, eliminating special interest loopholes and revising the tax code. (Nov. 9) Denver Mail Carrier Steps Past Man Who Died The U.S. Postal Service is defending a mail carrier who walked past a Denver man who collapsed and died near his front door. (Nov. 9) NJ Resident: 12 Days Without Power After Storm Residents in Glen Rock, New Jersey are still without power Friday, almost twelve days after Superstorm Sandy hit. Strong winds caused widespread power outages in the town that was designated as Tree City USA by the Arbor Day Foundation. (Nov. 9) Obama: Americans Agree With My Deficit Approach President Barack Obama, laying down his marker for grueling budget and tax negotiations, said Friday he won't accept any approach to deficit reduction that doesn't ask the wealthy to pay more in taxes. (Nov. 9) Obama to Visit Sandy Damage Next Week The White House says President Barack Obama will travel to New York on Thursday to view recovery efforts from the massive East Coast storm Sandy. (Nov. 9) CIA Director Petraeus Quits: Extramarital Affair David Petraeus has resigned as director of the CIA after admitting he had an extramarital affair. According to his letter of resignation, Petraeus asked President Barack Obama on Thursday to allow him to resign. On Friday the president accepted. (Nov. 9) Raw: Syrian Forces Shell Border Town Amateur video uploaded by Syrian activists on Friday showed graphic footage of bodies on the streets of the eastern town of Qourieh, in the province of Deir el-Zour that borders Iraq. (Nov. 9) AP Analyst: CIA Director Petraeus Resigns David Petraeus has resigned as director of the CIA after admitting he had an extramarital affair. According to his letter of resignation, Petraeus asked President Barack Obama yesterday to allow him to resign, and today the president accepted. (Nov. 9) AP Top Stories Here's the latest news for Friday November 9th: CIA Director David Petraeus resigns; Obama and Boehner make positions clear to avert the 'fiscal cliff;' Los Angeles Lakers fire coach Mike Brown. 'Fiscal Cliff' Negotiations on Starting Block President Barack Obama and House Speaker John Boehner outline their positions in the looming battles over the year-end pending automatic tax increases and spending cuts. (Nov. 9) Medics Check High-Rise Residents After Sandy Medical teams were sent to parts of New York City hit by Superstorm Sandy to make sure residents in high-rise buildings are getting their medical needs met. Some residents haven't had water, power or heat for 12 days. (Nov. 9) Raw: Christie Walks Damaged N.J. Boardwalk New Jersey Governor Chris Christie toured the damage at the Seaside Heights Boardwalk, which he walked for the first time since Superstorm Sandy hit. (Nov. 9) Officials: Petraeus Affair Was With Biographer David Petraeus, the retired four-star general renowned for taking charge of the military campaigns in Iraq and then Afghanistan, abruptly resigned Friday as director of the CIA, admitting to an extramarital affair. (Nov. 9)

ActualidadRT 9/11/2012 - Las cacerolas vuelven a sonar en Argentina , Entrevista exclusiva de RT al presidente de Siria, Bashar al Assad , EE. UU. podría activar sus campañas militares para "salvar" el dólar

Los argentinos salen a las calles para expresar su desacuerdo con la política del gobierno de Cristina Fernández de Kirchner. La manifestación, convocada a través de las redes sociales, fue apoyada por algunos ciudadanos de ese país en el extranjero. La jornada del 8N, convocada a través de las redes sociales y respaldada por varios partidos opositores, se realiza en la capital y en otras ciudades del país. Una manifestación similar se realizó en septiembre pasado. El ruido de las cacerolazos trae diferentes razones por las cuales los manifestantes están descontentos con la gestión de Cristina Fernández; entre ellas la inseguridad, la restricción para la compra de dólares y la próxima aplicación de la ley de medios audiovisuales. Las cacerolas vuelven a sonar en Argentina Entrevista exclusiva de RT al presidente de Siria, Bashar al Assad En una entrevista exclusiva a RT, Bashar al Assad, presidente de Siria, habla del papel desestabilizador que desempeña Occidente en el conflicto sirio,revela por qué algunos países temen declarar su apoyo al Gobierno, bajo qué condiciones se puede llegar a la paz y qué pasaría en caso de una intervención extranjera. El mandatario dejó claro que el problema del conflicto sirio no es entre el pueblo y él y los que están en su contra son EE.UU., Occidente, varios países árabes y Turquía. "Occidente siempre crea enemigos. En el pasado fue el comunismo, luego el islam y después fue Saddam Hussein, por otras razones. Y ahora quieren representar en Bashar, un nuevo enemigo; por eso dicen que el problema es el presidente y que por eso debe irse", opinó Al Assad. EE. UU. podría activar sus campañas militares para "salvar" el dólar La crisis económica en EE.UU. podría costarle la vida a millones de personas en todo el mundo, advierte el economista Juan Torres López. Según el experto, para salvar el prestigio internacional de su moneda y recuperar su dominio financiero, Washington podría activar sus campañas militares. Dos puntos principales de la agenda del presidente estadounidense reelecto Barack Obama serán no permitir que el país vuelva a caer en recesión y encontrar una solución para una deuda que se incrementa de tal modo que convierte al dólar en "papel mojado", según López. Si esto no sucede y la crisis económica en EE.UU. sigue profundizándose, esto pondrá en peligro "la paz, los derechos humanos, la libertad y la vida de millones de personas en todo el planeta", opina el analista. Elecciones en EE.UU.: "Todo es una hipocresía y todo lo decide el dinero" Los observadores internacionales destacan que los comicios presidenciales en EE.UU. tuvieron ciertos defectos que deberían ser eliminados, pues en el proceso electoral se registraron distintos métodos para consumar fraudes. El director del periódico 'La Nación Cubana', Pedro González Munné, consideró que "el círculo político que constituyen las elecciones, en este caso presidenciales, da una muestra de que lo que realmente es la política en este país, donde todo tiene un precio". En diálogo con RT, González enfatizó que en la actualidad, la palabra democracia significa "como nosotros queremos" y que "en EE.UU. todo es una gran hipocresía y sencillamente todo lo decide el dinero y los grandes centros de poder". Detrás de la noticia: Mandato renovado Barack Obama ganó las Presidenciales frente a su rival republicano Mitt Romney. En medio de las celebraciones y felicitaciones, los expertos intercambian opiniones sobre los posibles cambios en la política estadounidense, en el ámbito nacional e internacional. Mientras, el mismo proceso de votación levanta dudas sobre su transparencia. La oposición siria ocupa Ras al-Ayn La oposición Siria ha tomado por la fuerza la ciudad fronteriza con Turquía, informa Jerusalem Post. Según la oposición, la ciudad tiene importancia estratégica porque les podrá abrir un paso a Turquía por el que podrían recibir provisiones y enviar a los heridos. Este hecho ha preocupado a los kurdos del país. El Consejo Supremo Kurdo --una coalición de partidos kurdos que se oponen al presidente Bashar al Assad-- ha llamado a la oposición a dejar la ciudad. "El Consejo Kurdo confirma que toma parte en la revolución contra el régimen, pero la gobernación de Al-Hasakah debe mantenerse como una zona pacífica y segura para los refugiados que llegan aquí desde otras regiones", se dice en el documento difundido por el Consejo Kurdo. En tanto, el Consejo Nacional Sirio eligió a sus nuevos dirigentes, quienes tienen un fuerte perfil islamista. Estos cambios son interpretados por el analista político Miguel Guaglianone como un intento de la cúpula opositora de reorganizarse para tener el visto bueno de EE.UU. y añade que Washington no confía en el Consejo Nacional sirio. Experto: Pese a la presión internacional, EE.UU. no cambiará su política hacia Cuba La semana que viene la Asamblea General de la ONU considerará la exigencia de Cuba para poner fin al bloqueo económico de EE.UU. que, según los expertos, no va a obedecer ya que le tiene inquina a La Habana. "Yo creo que EE.UU. nunca va a perdonar, al menos mientras Fidel Castro esté vivo, el hecho de que hayan tenido desde el punto de vista estadounidense el atrevimiento de estar dispuestos a instalar misiles nucleares desde donde se podía atacar cualquier punto de territorio estadounidense", le dijo a RT el analista político Julio Aliaga. "A EE.UU. desde luego le importa lo que opina la comunidad internacional pero no tanto o de lo contrario, por ejemplo en el caso de Guantánamo. Ellos más bien obedecen a las presiones y a las corrientes políticas dentro de EE.UU., a la política interior de EE.UU.", agregó. Irán, otra vez sancionado por EE.UU. Washington ha impuesto este jueves nuevas sanciones contra Irán. Los estadounidenses tienen prohibido cualquier contacto con algunos altos cargos políticos, cinco entidades gubernamentales del país, dos universidades y la Empresa Nacional de Petróleo, entre otros organismos. Tanto a los funcionarios sancionados como a las entidades -Ministerio de Comunicaciones, Consejo de Supervisión de Prensa, dos universidades vinculadas a la Guardia Revolucionaria de Irán y la Empresa Nacional de Petróleo de Irán- se les imputa apoyo del terrorismo y ejercer censura que impide "la libertad de expresión o asamblea de la población" y un acceso libre a los medios de comunicación extranjeros. Según los medios estadounidenses, en un futuro próximo la ofensiva de la Casa Blanca contra Teherán podría acelerarse aún más. Actualmente los legisladores están elaborando un nuevo paquete de sanciones sin precedentes contra Teherán para impedirle el comercio con la mayor parte del mundo. La iniciativa conjunta del senador republicano Mark Kirk y el senador demócrata Robert Menendez prevé sanciones a todas las áreas, desde los activos iraníes en el extranjero hasta todos los productos que el país importa. Periodista de RT: "Al Assad está completamente demonizado por la prensa" El conflicto sirio es exponencialmente más complicado que el que presenta la prensa y el presidente Bashar al Assad ha sido víctima de una demonización de los medios, dijo la entrevistadora de la exclusiva al líder sirio, Sophie Shevardnadze. "Tuve la oportunidad de hablar con él durante unos 15 minutos antes de la entrevista y él está completamente demonizado por la prensa, porque es un hombre muy educado y muy agradable. No parece tener esa enfermedad de ser un presidente y todo eso. Él es un tipo muy sensato", opinó la entrevistadora. Según Sophie Shevardnadze, lo que más le sorprendió fue es que en realidad la situación en Siria es mucho más complicada en comparación con cómo la pintan en la prensa. Tras hablar con la gente, la periodista dijo darse cuenta de que incluso a la gente a la que antes del inicio del conflicto no le gustaba Al Assad, está muy asustada de que los fundamentalistas, que luchan en el bando del Ejército Libre Sirio, lleguen al poder. El cártel de Sinaloa compraba armas a la Patrulla Fronteriza de EE.UU. El testigo colaboró con la procuraduría general de México en la persecución de un contador del cártel dirigido por Joaquín 'el Chapo' Guzmán. En su testimonio se revelan detalles de una serie de enfrentamientos librados entre los cárteles del narcotráfico que intentaban expulsar a las bandas rivales del territorio del oeste en el desierto mexicano. Para ello, el grupo buscó la compra de armas de los EE.UU., incluyendo al menos 30 rifles WASR-10, una variante del AK-47, supuestamente suministrados por agentes de la Patrulla Fronteriza, informó la revista mexicana Contralínea. De ser cierto, este hecho podría reavivar el debate sobre la operación 'Rápido y Furioso', en la que las autoridades estadounidenses permitieron la adquisición de armas por parte de grupos ilegales mexicanos para tratar luego -infructuosamente- rastrear su paradero. El testigo, que tiene el seudónimo 'Victoria', se unió en 2009 al grupo conocido como Gente Nueva, aliado del cártel de Sinaloa. Allí trabajó para un grupo más pequeño llamado Las Jabalinas. Su trabajo, a lo largo de 2009 y 2010, era eliminar a miembros de los cárteles rivales de los Zetas y los Beltrán Leyva que se habían apoderado del territorio del cártel de Sinaloa en el desierto del oeste de México.

ActualidadRT 8/11/2012 - Un babuino adopta a un gatito que se coló en su jaula del zoo , AVANCE: Detrás de la Noticia. MANDATO RENOVADO , Voluntarios prestan ayuda tras un incendio en un refugio de animales en Moscú

En la periferia de Damasco se han realizado operaciones antiterroristas, mientras en Alepo no ha cesado el tiroteo en toda la noche. Los expertos opinan que la oposición no tiene éxito porque "su programa son las bombas y los asesinatos". La artillería siria disparó la mañana del jueves en Damasco contra los rebeldes que se instalaron en los distritos de Maidan y Nahr Aisha. Los medios locales informan de que a Damasco se dirigen las tropas rebeldes desde la vecina provincia de Homs, donde recientemente se llevó a cabo una operación antiterrorista. Las fuerzas de seguridad bloquearon por la mañana el suroeste del distrito de Kfar Susa en la capital siria. La abogada y escritora Purificación González de la Blanca, opina que esta oposición, apoyada desde el extranjero, no tiene ninguna credibilidad porque se dedica a sembrar el terrorismo. "Aquí se trata de la denominada comunidad internacional encabezada por EE.UU. que trata de saquear los recursos en Siria como ya lo hicieron en Libia y se dedican a sembrar el terrorismo para saquearlo y dejar detrás el caos". "La oposición siria que se dedica al terrorismo no tiene credibilidad alguna" Voluntarios prestan ayuda tras un incendio en un refugio de animales en Moscú En el sureste de Moscú más de una decena de gatos y perros han muerto en un incendio provocado anoche por unos desconocidos que arrojaron un objeto sin identificar al refugio para animales Alma. Las jaulas y materiales de protección contra el frío prendieron causando la muerte de al menos 12 animales por quemaduras y asfixia. Los trabajadores del refugio piden ayuda para poder proteger a los gatos y perros frente al inminente invierno. AVANCE: Detrás de la Noticia. MANDATO RENOVADO Barack Obama ganó las Presidenciales frente a su rival republicano Mitt Romney. En medio de las celebraciones y felicitaciones, los expertos intercambian opiniones sobre los posibles cambios en la política estadounidense, en el ámbito nacional e internacional. Mientras, el mismo proceso de votación levanta dudas sobre su transparencia. Un babuino adopta a un gatito que se coló en su jaula del zoo El felino se niega a abandonar la vivienda del mono, quien le ha tomado mucho cariño. El babuino cuida de su pequeño amigo como si fuese su propia cría. Lo acaricia y hasta le saca las pulgas. Las autoridades del zoológico informaron que aunque el babuino cuida del gato no siempre se llevan bien. A menudo, el primate puede ser visto robándole la comida a su visita. El director del zoológico piensa separar los animales si el mandril sigue su actividad ladronesca. Sin embargo, por el momento la pareja puede continuar disfrutando de la convivencia. El soldado Manning aceptaría su responsabilidad por el caso WikiLeaks Durante la audiencia preliminar en Maryland, la de defensa de Manning ofreció un acuerdo al fiscal según el cual el soldado "aceptaría la responsabilidad general de proporcionar la información a WikiLeaks" que incluye cables sobre la guerras de Afganistán e Irak, memorandos secretos del Departamento de Estado y el video de un helicóptero Apache de EE.UU. disparando contra periodistas y civiles en Bagdad, entre otros. "Manning no se declara culpable o inocente", explicó Kevin Gosztola, coautor de 'Verdad y consecuencias', un libro sobre el soldado y su implicación en caso WikiLeaks. En ese sentido, precisó que se trata de una maniobra para asegurar el mejor resultado posible para él en la Corte Marcial. Asimismo, Gosztola explicó que no se trata de un acuerdo con el Gobierno, ya que será el juez quien decidirá aceptar o rechazar la petición. En caso de que la respuesta sea afirmativa, Manning se enfrentaría al Gobierno en un nivel más bajo y podría evitar ciertos cargos en su contra, incluidos espionaje y fraude informático, aunque el cargo de "ayudar al enemigo" aún permanecería, según Gostzola. El analista político Emilio Viano considera que la concesión hecha por Bradley Manning es consecuencia de la presión psicológica que sufrió. "Hay una posibilidad de que pudiera haber sido impuesta sobre él, que tiene solo 24 años, claro una presión psicológica de tantos años en la cárcel y sabemos que particularmente en el inicio fue muy mal tarado", así que "hay algo traumático que ha impactado mucho y quiere evitar el proceso que puede ser más traumático", dice el analista.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

AssociatedPress 6/11/2012 - Raw: NH Residents Cast First Election Day Votes , Today in History for November 6th , ESPN Airs Obama, Romney Halftime Interviews

Residents of two villages in N.H. have cast the first Election Day votes in the U.S. President Obama and Republican Mitt Romney each had 5 votes in Dixville Notch, N.H. In Hart's Location, Obama tallied 23 votes, while Romney received 9 votes. (Nov. 6) Raw: NH Residents Cast First Election Day Votes Today in History for November 6th Highlights of this day in history: Abraham Lincoln wins four-way race for President as American Civil War nears; March music 'king' John Phillip Sousa born; Composer Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky dies; Director Mike Nichols born. (Nov. 6) ESPN Airs Obama, Romney Halftime Interviews ESPN aired Monday Night Football halftime interviews of President Obama and his GOP rival, Mitt Romney, just hours before voters go to the polls to decide the 2012 presidential election. Both candidates talked about life and sports. Candidates Make Final Pitch President Obama and Republican challenger Mitt Romney both made their final pitch to voters in the last hours before election day. President Obama spoke in Iowa. Romney spoke in New Hampshire. (Nov. 6) Raw: Ex-US Rep. Giffords Votes in Tucson Former Arizona Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords dropped off her mail-in ballot at a county office on Monday afternoon. She was accompanied by her former assistant who replaced her in congress, US Rep. Ron Barber. (Nov. 6) Close Race: Obama, Romney Tie in Dixville Notch Residents of Dixville Notch, New Hampshire kicked off Election Day by voting at midnight. The result was a tie, reflecting the close race that polls are showing around the nation. (Nov. 6) AP Top Stories Here's the latest news for Tuesday, November 6th: Election Day voting begins; Romney makes last minute stops, Obama concentrates on interviews; New storm heads for Northeast. Raw: Voting Begins in Swing-State Virginia Voting began Tuesday morning in Virginia. Long lines are expected. The state has 13 electoral votes and is considered a toss-up in the Presidential race. (Nov. 6) Raw: Staten Island Residents Line Up Voters on Staten Island, N. Y. began lining up to vote at makeshift polling stations, just one week after Superstorm Sandy ravaged the New York City borough. (Nov. 6) Raw: Biden Casts His Ballot in Delaware Vice President Joe Biden lined up early tuesday morning to cast his vote in Delaware. (Nov. 6) Biden: "Feeling Pretty Good" About Election Vice President Joe Biden says he's "feeling pretty good" about the election. His comments came after he and his wife cast their votes in Delaware. (Nov. 6) Raw: Syrians Run for Cover in Fresh Airstrikes Activists and state media reported clashes, shelling and air raids in different parts of Syria Tuesday. Amateur video shows Syrians running for cover following the impact of an airstrike in Houla. (Nov. 6) Raw: Romney Casts Ballot in 2012 Election Mitt Romney has cast his ballot in the U.S. presidential election. The Republican challenger still has campaign rallies Tuesday in the crucial battleground state of Ohio and neighboring Pennsylvania. (Nov. 6) Raw: Paul Ryan Votes, Hits the Road Rep. Paul Ryan is traveling after voting in his Wisconsin hometown. He plans on joining Mitt Romney in Cleveland and then visiting Richmond, Va. (Nov. 6) Raw: Jersey Shore Town Casts Votes in Winnebago Voters in one New Jersey shore community cast ballots in a mobile polling station dubbed the "vote-a-bago", just one week after Superstorm Sandy devastated the towns and cities along the state's coastline. (Nov. 6) Mass. Voters Imagine a Romney Presidency Voters in Belmont, Massachusetts, where Republican hopefull Mitt Romney lives, speculate on what he would do in the White House if he wins the election. (Nov. 6) Ohio Voter: "I Struggled" Voters in Columbus, Ohio say voting is too important to be deterred by the cold weather or the long lines. (Nov. 6) Obama: We've Got the Votes to Win President Barack Obama thanked his campaign supporters in Chicago and select volunteers by phone. He says he feels he has the votes to win, if Americans get out and exercise their right to vote Tuesday. (Nov. 6) Christie Voices Worry About Nor'easter New Jersey Governor Chris Christie has concerns about the nor'easter that could bring strong winds, rain and even snow to his state. Christie says he'll consider options once he receives a new briefing on the new storm later Tuesday. (Nov. 6)

BarackObamadotcom 5/11/2012 - Stevie Wonder Sings "Fired Up! Ready to Go!" at President Obama's Grassroots Rally in Cincinatti , First Lady Michelle Obama: "Keep Pushing Forward" , President Obama: "Let's Get Out There and Vote"

Share this: http://OFA.BO/3kA4Lr Tweet this: http://OFA.BO/kWXPVt Stevie Wonder walks off President Obama by leading the crowd with a "Fired up! Ready to go!" sing-along. Stevie Wonder Sings "Fired Up! Ready to Go!" at President Obama's Grassroots Rally in Cincinatti First Lady Michelle Obama: "Keep Pushing Forward" Click here for all the information you need to vote: http://OFA.BO/DMzWQd First Lady Michelle Obama shares why we have to keep pushing forward to re-elect President Obama an why volunteers are the campaign's secret weapon. Confirm your polling location here: http://OFA.BO/7yY5i1 President Obama: "Let's Get Out There and Vote" Click here for all the information you need to vote: http://OFA.BO/oSXXt8 If you want to make sure your voice is heard you have to show up. Confirm your polling location here: http://OFA.BO/EUYESs Faces of GOTV - OFA Pennsylvania Get out the vote: http://OFA.BO/x2ySHc Pennsylvania, now is the time to get involved, click here to get started: http://OFA.BO/nqsNNr First Lady Michelle Obama: Get Out the Vote Ohio and Confirm Your Polling Place Confirm where you'll be voting on election day: http://OFA.BO/RVLhQF On Tuesday millions of Americans will be voting for President Obama. Thank you for being one of them. To confirm where you'll be voting on election day go here: http://OFA.BO/xXeQF8 First Lady Michelle Obama: Get Out the Vote Ohio Confirm where you'll be voting on election day: http://OFA.BO/RVLhQF On Tuesday millions of Americans will be voting for President Obama. Thank you for being one of them. To confirm where you'll be voting on election day go here: http://OFA.BO/xXeQF8 President Obama and Jay-Z in Columbus, Ohio President Obama makes the final push in his last campaign -- a nonstop sprint to the finish starting with grassroots events in Madison, Wisconsin and Columbus, Ohio. For the final stop, the President and First Lady will return to Iowa, where it all began in the winter of 2007, for one final grassroots rally in Des Moines. In Columbus, Ohio Jay Z will give a performance and the President will make his closing argument. The President's grassroots events will be streamed live at The President will tell voters it's time to finish what we've started, and make sure that no matter who you are, where you come from, or how you started out, this is the country where you can make it if you try. First Lady Michelle Obama: Get Out the Vote Florida and Confirm Your Polling Place On Tuesday millions of Americans will be voting for President Obama. Thank you for being one of them. To confirm where you'll be voting on election day go here: http://OFA.BO/xXeQF8 First Lady Michelle Obama: Get Out the Vote Florida Confirm where you'll be voting on election day: http://OFA.BO/RVLhQF On Tuesday millions of Americans will be voting for President Obama. Thank you for being one of them. To confirm where you'll be voting on election day go here: http://OFA.BO/xXeQF8 We Decide - OFA Nevada We decide Nevada, let's go vote. Confirm your polling location here: http://OFA.BO/mJaKUF First Lady Michelle Obama: Get Out the Vote North Carolina and Confirm Your Polling Place On Tuesday millions of Americans will be voting for President Obama. Thank you for being one of them. To confirm where you'll be voting on election day go here: http://OFA.BO/xXeQF8 First Lady Michelle Obama: Get Out the Vote North Carolina Confirm where you'll be voting on election day: http://OFA.BO/RVLhQF On Tuesday millions of Americans will be voting for President Obama. Thank you for being one of them. To confirm where you'll be voting on election day go here: http://OFA.BO/xXeQF8 President Obama: Gotta vote? Go here: http://OFA.BO/VKC64k President Obama shares how four years ago young people chose a new path for America by voting in record numbers—and how the choice you face in this year's election couldn't be bigger. In many states voting has already began, to get all the information you need to vote go here: http://OFA.BO/VKC64k This is it - OFA Florida This is it Florida, get out and vote. Confirm your polling location here: http://OFA.BO/goBPbT President Obama Tells the Story of "Fired Up! Ready to Go!" at His Final Rally Today is Election Day, confirm your polling location here: http://OFA.BO/31bkCa Share this: http://OFA.BO/ee1rDc Tweet this: http://OFA.BO/tmcbWj President Obama shares the story of "Fired up! Ready to go!" in Des Moines, Iowa. First Lady Michelle Obama's Speech at the President's Final Rally in Iowa Today is Election Day, confirm your polling location here: http://OFA.BO/TtyuEc Bruce Springsteen introduces First Lady Michelle Obama to begin President Obama's final rally in Des Moines, Iowa. President Obama's Final Rally in Iowa - with First Lady Michelle Obama and Bruce Springsteen Today is Election Day, confirm your polling location here: http://OFA.BO/NnhmAt The President and First Lady returned to Iowa, where it all began in the winter of 2007. President Obama's Full Speech from His Final Rally - Des Moines, Iowa Today is Election Day, confirm your polling location here: http://OFA.BO/Kpc3N3 The President and First Lady returned to Iowa, where it all began in the winter of 2007. The President told voters it's time to finish what we've started, and make sure that no matter who you are, where you come from, or how you started out, this is the country where you can make it if you try.

BarackObamadotcom 4/11/2012 - First Lady Michelle Obama: Get Out The Vote , For All , Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa - OFA Wisconsin , Four Years Ago Today: It Happened Because of You—Let's Do It Again

Go here to find everything you need to cast your ballot: http://OFA.BO/kiiPv8 First Lady Michelle Obama shares how hard President Obama is working for us and how we've got to get his back in this election. First Lady Michelle Obama: Get Out The Vote For All Share this: http://OFA.BO/LJ1swG Tweet this: http://OFA.BO/jP7mr9 Supporters share why they're voting for President Obama. To get all the information you need to vote, go here: http://OFA.BO/kiiPv8 Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa - OFA Wisconsin Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa shares why he supports President Obama. Mitt Romney: Desperate and Deceptive in Ohio Fact checkers break down Mitt Romney's misleading and false Jeep ad. Stephanie Cutter: The Best Way to Fact Check Them is to Vote Stephanie Cutter breaks down Mitt Romney's false Jeep ad and shares why the best way to fact check the Romney-Ryan team is with our votes. Pioneer - Obama for America TV Ad Bradley Whitford Gets Out the Vote - OFA Wisconsin Bradley Whitford shares how you can own your vote and help re-elect President Obama for a second term. Four Years Ago Today: It Happened Because of You—Let's Do It Again This is President Obama's last campaign, will you be a part of it? Get started here: http://OFA.BO/2k9M8t Four years ago today we elected President Barack Obama as the 44th President of the United States. It happened because we knocked on doors, we made phone calls, we voted and we got others to vote. Let's do it again. There are less than 48 hours until Election Day, now is the time to get involved: http://OFA.BO/2k9M8t Confirm your polling location here: http://OFA.BO/JU7DQZ President Obama: What We're Fighting For President Obama shares a message to all the supporters and volunteers working hard to continue the progress we've made the last four years. Now is the time to get involved to help re-elect President Obama, get started here: http://OFA.BO/d5etL3 The "I Voted" Sticker - OFA North Carolina Olivia Wilde, Zach Braff, Eva Longoria and Aisha Tyler share how voting is a civic duty we all have to fulfill and how it makes them proud to receive that "I voted" sticker. Magic Johnson Supports President Obama: "Look How Far We've Come." Magic Johnson shares why he supports President Obama and what you can do to help re-elect him for a second term. 36 Votes - OFA Florida First Lady Michele Obama breaks down how one vote can make a difference. President Obama in Hilliard, Ohio: Keep Pushing Forward President Obama was in Hilliard, Ohio where he shared how he'll fight for the middle class and how we've come to far to turn back now. Make a Plan to Move Forward - OFA Wisconsin Make a plan Wisconsin, get started here: http://OFA.BO/vcAJZo Make a plan to move Forward. Confirm your polling location here: http://OFA.BO/RDCfwp

Monday, November 5, 2012

BarackObamadotcom 3/11/2012 - Women Decide 2012 - OFA Ohio , President Barack Obama is Leading With Faith Values , Ballers for Barack - OFA Ohio , The Final Push: It's On Us , Will Ferrell Will Do Anything to Get You to Vote

Gotta vote? Go here: http://OFA.BO/e5kqeA Sarah Jessica Parker, Valarie Jarrett, Alfre Woodard, and National Women Vote Director Kate Chapek share why women decide the 2012 presidential election. Women Decide 2012 - OFA Ohio President Barack Obama is Leading With Faith Values Click here to find out how you can get involved: http://OFA.BO/29dkUs Bishop Vashti McKenzie, Professor Stephen Schneck, Pastor J.R. Kerr and Rabbi Samuel Gordon share how President Obama is leading with faith values. Ballers for Barack - OFA Ohio Supporters from Ohio State University came together to play ball and get out the vote. The Final Push: It's On Us This is the final push. Now is the time to get involved: http://OFA.BO/7gYq7L Share this: http://OFA.BO/ssUvNt Tweet this: http://OFA.BO/GT6E7C Confirm your polling location here: http://OFA.BO/U6HcxB Get all the information you need to vote here: http://OFA.BO/wQHU9f First Lady Michelle Obama: Get Out the Vote Colorado On Tuesday millions of Americans will be voting for President Obama. Thank you for being one of them. To confirm where you'll be voting on election day go here: http://OFA.BO/xXeQF8 First Lady Michelle Obama: Get Out the Vote Colorado and Confirm Your Polling Place On Tuesday millions of Americans will be voting for President Obama. Thank you for being one of them. To confirm where you'll be voting on election day go here: http://OFA.BO/xXeQF8 Un mensaje especial para la comunidad latina del Presidente Obama El Presidente Obama grabó un mensaje especial en español -- para hablar directamente con ustedes de lo qué está en juego en esta elección y pedir su voto. Míralo, compártelo, y prepárate para votar: http://OFA.BO/5BHSUs Make A Plan - OFA Colorado Rachel Leigh Cook, Stephanie March, Ben McKenzie, Laurence Fishburne, Bryan Greenberg, Cecile Richards, Zachary Quinto, and Nick Zano share how they're voting for President Obama. Will Ferrell Will Do Anything to Get You to Vote He'll dance, he'll cook—Will Ferrell will do anything to get you to vote in this election. Confirm where you vote here: http://OFA.BO/qF51sn First Lady Michelle Obama: Get Out the Vote Virginia and Confirm Your Polling Place Confirm where you'll be voting on election day: http://OFA.BO/RVLhQF On Tuesday millions of Americans will be voting for President Obama. Thank you for being one of them. To confirm where you'll be voting on election day go here: http://OFA.BO/xXeQF8 First Lady Michelle Obama: Get Out the Vote Virginia Confirm where you'll be voting on election day: http://OFA.BO/RVLhQF On Tuesday millions of Americans will be voting for President Obama. Thank you for being one of them. To confirm where you'll be voting on election day go here: http://OFA.BO/xXeQF8 Nevada Make a Plan - OFA Nevada Nevada make a plan. Tuesday November 6th is the last day to vote. Get started here: http://OFA.BO/s582n8 The Road to November 6th: President Obama in Bristow, VA - Full Speech Gotta vote? Go here: http://OFA.BO/LqedaQ The President is on the road meeting supporters and sharing his vision for the country. The choice in this election is clear: it's between two fundamentally different visions of how to grow the economy, create middle-class jobs and restore middle-class economic security. The President believes the only way to create an economy built to last is to build it from the middle out, not the top down. President Clinton Introduces President Obama in Bristow, VA - Full Speech Gotta vote? Go here: http://OFA.BO/LqedaQ President Clinton joined President Obama on the road in Bristow, VA and shared why President Obama is the clear choice in this election. The choice in this election is clear: it's between two fundamentally different visions of how to grow the economy, create middle-class jobs and restore middle-class economic security. The President believes the only way to create an economy built to last is to build it from the middle out, not the top down. First Lady Michelle Obama: Get Out the Vote Virginia Confirm where you'll be voting on election day: http://OFA.BO/RVLhQF On Tuesday millions of Americans will be voting for President Obama. Thank you for being one of them. To confirm where you'll be voting on election day go here: http://OFA.BO/xXeQF8 Nevada Make a Plan - OFA Nevada Nevada make a plan. Tuesday November 6th is the last day to vote. Get started here: http://OFA.BO/s582n8 The Road to November 6th: President Obama in Bristow, VA - Full Speech The President is on the road meeting supporters and sharing his vision for the country. The choice in this election is clear: it's between two fundamentally different visions of how to grow the economy, create middle-class jobs and restore middle-class economic security. The President believes the only way to create an economy built to last is to build it from the middle out, not the top down. President Clinton Introduces President Obama in Bristow, VA - Full Speech President Clinton joined President Obama on the road in Bristow, VA and shared why President Obama is the clear choice in this election. The choice in this election is clear: it's between two fundamentally different visions of how to grow the economy, create middle-class jobs and restore middle-class economic security. The President believes the only way to create an economy built to last is to build it from the middle out, not the top down.

BarackObamadotcom 2/11/2012 - Guys For Women's Rights - OFA Wisconsin , Vice President Joe Biden Breaks Down the Romney-Ryan Plan for Seniors , The 100th Day of the Romney Administration , President Obama in Springfield, OH - Full Speech 11/2/2012

Own your vote Wisconsin: http://OFA.BO/tfe3DN Ben McKenzie, Zachary Quinto and Justin Bartha share why they support women's rights. Guys For Women's Rights - OFA Wisconsin Vice President Joe Biden Breaks Down the Romney-Ryan Plan for Seniors Vice President Joe Biden breaks down the Romney-Ryan budget, how the budget affects seniors and what you can do to help win this election. In many states voting has already started, to get all the information you need to vote, go here: http://OFA.BO/PENHuZ The 100th Day of the Romney Administration Take a look at the first 100 days of the Romney administration. Elections have consequences, and this is the "real change" that Romney is promising. It's the kind of change that Americans simply can't afford. In four days, Americans will decide if they want to continue moving forward with President Obama, or if Romney gets to deliver the change he has promised, taking us back to the same failed policies of the past. President Obama in Springfield, OH - Full Speech 11/2/2012 America has come too far to turn back now, and as the President reminded voters in Springfield, Ohio earlier today, there's still more work to do. That's why President Obama is fighting for the change that gets folks back to work and strengthens the middle class by making smart investments in energy, education and training, growing small businesses, promoting technology and innovation, and reducing the deficit in a balanced, bipartisan way. Lo Mismo de Siempre - Anuncio de Televisión de Obama for America President Obama Makes Some Calls After early voting in Chicago, President Obama thanked volunteers over the phone. Republican and Voting for President Obama David and Christine Poulin from New Smyrna, Florida share why they're Republicans and voting for President Obama. A few years ago their son Matthew was diagnosed with a rare condition attacking the heart. He survived after receiving a transplant and continues treatment with daily medications. Without the Affordable Care Act, the Poulins would be burdened with higher prescription drug costs and the threat of Matthew losing his health insurance. As Christine and David share: "If the Affordable Care Act were repealed there's no way that we could afford the medical bills and prescriptions that come along with the heart transplant. The pre-existing condition clause was a big relief to us. When I heard Mitt Romney say that if he's elected President he will repeal the Affordable Care Act on day one, it makes me angry." "The next president can decide the quality of my son's life and the length of my son's life. So if I vote for Governor Romney I'm voting for limiting my healthcare options for my son." Vice President Joe Biden and Dr. Jill Biden: Honoring our Commitment to Veterans Vice President Joe Biden and Dr. Jill Biden share how President Obama has demonstrated his strong and steady leadership as Commander in Chief and how he continues to honor the commitment to our troops and veterans. Kevin Hart: Every Vote Counts - OFA North Carolina Kevin Hart helped fire up North Carolinians and shared why young people need to vote. For all the information you need to vote, go here: http://OFA.BO/1ktC85 Forward with President Obama - OFA Florida Floridians share why they are voting. Young Americans - OFA Florida Young Americans share why they're getting involved and voting for President Obama. First Lady Michelle Obama: Get Out the Vote New Hampshire and Confirm Your Polling Place On Tuesday millions of Americans will be voting for President Obama. Thank you for being one of them. To confirm where you'll be voting on election day go here: http://OFA.BO/xXeQF8 First Lady Michelle Obama: Get Out the Vote New Hampshire Confirm where you'll be voting on election day: http://OFA.BO/RVLhQF On Tuesday millions of Americans will be voting for President Obama. Thank you for being one of them. To confirm where you'll be voting on election day go here: http://OFA.BO/xXeQF8 First Lady Michelle Obama: Get Out the Vote Wisconsin and Confirm Your Polling Place On Tuesday millions of Americans will be voting for President Obama. Thank you for being one of them. To confirm where you'll be voting on election day go here: http://OFA.BO/xXeQF8 First Lady Michelle Obama: Get Out the Vote Wisconsin On Tuesday millions of Americans will be voting for President Obama. Thank you for being one of them. To confirm where you'll be voting on election day go here: http://OFA.BO/xXeQF8 First Lady Michelle Obama: Get Out the Vote Nevada On Tuesday millions of Americans will be voting for President Obama. Thank you for being one of them. To confirm where you'll be voting on election day go here: http://OFA.BO/xXeQF8 First Lady Michelle Obama: Get Out the Vote Nevada and Confirm Your Polling Place On Tuesday millions of Americans will be voting for President Obama. Thank you for being one of them. To confirm where you'll be voting on election day go here: http://OFA.BO/xXeQF8 Russell Simmons: "I Want to Keep Moving Forward." - OFA Ohio Russell Simmons helped get out the early vote along with actor Jesse Williams and Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed. They shared why they support President Obama, what they're doing to help re-elect him for a second term and what you can do to get involved. Early voting in Ohio has already begun, for all the information you need to vote, go here: http://OFA.BO/5ETaZ8

BarackObamadotcom 1/11/2012 - Solid - Obama for America TV Ad , Alicia Keys: Every Vote Counts - OFA North Carolina , Cynical - Obama for America TV Ad , President Obama in Green Bay, Wisconsin - Full Speech 11/1/2012

Obama for America's new television ad highlights last week's powerful endorsement from retired four star general and former Secretary of State Colin Powell. In his support of President Obama, which represents a powerful show of bipartisanship, Powell cited the President's leadership in bringing us back from the brink of economic collapse, ending the war in Iraq, putting in place a plan to end the war in Afghanistan, and his strong record of fighting terrorism as reasons for his endorsement. Like Secretary Powell, the American people know that President Obama is a strong, steady and decisive leader with an affirmative vision to move our country forward. Solid - Obama for America TV Ad Alicia Keys: Every Vote Counts - OFA North Carolina Alicia Keys was in North Carolina where she fired up the crowd at North Carolina A&T State University and shared why it's important to get involved and vote. Early voting has started in North Carolina, for all the information you need to vote early, go here: http://OFA.BO/XaqbpE Cynical - Obama for America TV Ad Voiceover: "Wholly inaccurate. Clearly misleading. That's what news outlets are calling Mitt Romney's latest ads...suggesting auto jobs are being sent to China." Voiceover: "GM calls Romney's ads 'politics at its cynical worst'" Voiceover: "And Chrysler's C-E-O said it's simply not true." Voiceover: "We know the truth, Mitt" Mitt Romney: "That's exactly what I said, that headline that you read, which it said, 'Let Detroit go bankrupt.'" What It Takes - Obama for America TV Ad Make a Plan - OFA Virginia Gota vote? Go here: http://OFA.BO/9f5smc Virginians share how they're going to vote. Let's Finish What We Started - OFA Pennsylvania Let's finish what we started Pennsylvania. Gotta vote? Go here: http://OFA.BO/CaEZuw Get Out There - OFA Pennsylvania Get out there Pennsylvania, get out and vote and volunteer to help re-elect President Obama. To get volunteer with OFA Pennsylvania, go here: http://OFA.BO/FFWXhX Romney Style: How to Destroy Your Campaign's Credibility in Five Easy Steps Share this: http://OFA.BO/XH3vAf Tweet this: http://OFA.BO/kDKNT9 President Obama in Green Bay, Wisconsin - Full Speech 11/1/2012 Today, at a grassroots event in Green Bay, Wisconsin, President Obama laid out the closing argument he will make to the American people in the final days of the election. The President is fighting for the same things he's always believed and run on -- that this country cannot succeed without a growing, thriving middle class. In the decade before President Obama took office, middle-class security was undercut by the same top-down, failed economic policies that Mitt Romney is now promoting. While Romney thinks that means 'change,' the President will continue to move our country forward to real change that boosts the middle class and creates a stronger future for all Americans. President Obama in Boulder, CO - Full Speech 11/1/2012 The President is on the road meeting supporters and sharing his vision for the country. The choice in this election is clear: it's between two fundamentally different visions of how to grow the economy, create middle-class jobs and restore middle-class economic security. The President believes the only way to create an economy built to last is to build it from the middle out, not the top down. The Final Event: Where it All Began - OFA Iowa President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama will hold the final grassroots event of the 2012 presidential election on November 5th in Des Moines, Iowa. Be a part of history and help re-elect President Obama. To get involved, click here: http://OFA.BO/RQYrdR

BarackObamadotcom 31/10/2012 - Jim Messina's State of the Race: "The president will win re-election if we do what we need to do." , Women Moving Colorado Forward - OFA Colorado , Lawrence, Veteran and Military Father: Keep Virginia Blue - OFA Virginia

Campaign Manager Jim Messina breaks down how we're doing in this election with less than a week to go. Jim Messina's State of the Race: "The president will win re-election if we do what we need to do." Women Moving Colorado Forward - OFA Colorado Cecile Richards, Stephanie Schriock, Kathleen Sebelius, and Lisa P. Jackson share how President Obama is fighting for women's rights and what you can do to help re-elect him for a second term. Lawrence, Veteran and Military Father: Keep Virginia Blue - OFA Virginia Lawrence, a veteran whose son is serving in Afghanistan, shares why he supports President Obama and how we can keep Virginia blue. To get involved to help win Virginia and help re-elect President Obama, go here: http://OFA.BO/pRte3w Get Out the Vote: Volunteer in Virginia - OFA Virginia Sara explains how volunteering to help get out the vote in Virginia will help re-elect President Obama for a second term. Mayor Ed Koch Endorses the President for Four More Years Today, Obama for America released a new video endorsement from former New York City Mayor Ed Koch. Mayor Koch is proud to cast his vote for Barack Obama because of the President's unbreakable support for Israel and because he has, time and time again, proven himself to be a true friend of the Jewish state. As Mayor Koch says, "I'm confident President Obama will continue his unambiguous commitment to the Jewish state in his second term, building on his record of leadership by preventing Iran from developing a nuclear weapon and funding the Iron Dome missile defense system that is saving Israeli lives." Mayor Koch is also standing with the President because he is the "clear, best choice on domestic policy" and has the right ideas for moving our country forward. Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan want to take us back to the failed policies that led to the worst financial crisis in a generation, and they would shred the social safety net, turning Medicare into a voucher program and cutting Medicaid. And the Mayor knows that President Obama understands we have a responsibility to look out for one another in tough times -- and that he will keep fighting for the American people every day for the next four years. As Mayor Koch says, "Those aren't just American values, they're Jewish values too." Russ Feingold: Romney and Ryan's "Fuzzy Math" - OFA Wisconsin Senator Russ Feingold breaks down Paul Ryan's fuzzy math and why President Obama is the choice in this election. Early voting has already started in Wisconsin to get all the information you need to vote, go here: http://OFA.BO/fTosjU "Endorsed" - Obama for America Radio Ad As highlighted in Obama for America's new radio ad, retired four star general and former Secretary of State Colin Powell endorsed President Obama for re-election last week in an interview with CBS News. Powell enthusiastically cited the President's leadership in bringing us back from the brink of economic collapse, ending the war in Iraq, putting in place a plan to end the war in Afghanistan, and his strong record of fighting terrorism as reasons for his endorsement. What He Said - Obama for America TV Ad Volunteering to Get Out The Vote - OFA Iowa We talked with superstar volunteers who are making the difference in Iowa. Join them to get out the vote, get started here: http://OFA.BO/oyYLVy Beau Biden: Honoring Our Commitment to Veterans - OFA Wisconsin Beau Biden shares how President Obama and Vice President Biden are the choice in this election and how we have to honor our commitment to veterans. President Obama Early Votes During his non-stop 48 hour America Forward! Tour President Obama early voted in Chicago. Nevada We Decide - OFA Nevada We decide Nevada, for all the information you need to vote, go here: http://OFA.BO/DrjhET Nevada: Go Vote - OFA Nevada Jon Hamm, Jon Cho, Jennifer Westfeldt, Zachary Quinto, Stephanie March, Rachael Leigh Cook, Bryan Greenberg and Nick Zano encourage Nevadans to go vote.

BarackObamadotcom 29/10/2012 - Come to Florida to Volunteer - OFA Florida , Jennifer Lopez: Join Latinos for Obama , Jon Hamm: "Hey Colorado, Are You Voting Early?" - OFA Colorado

Supporters are travelling from Georgia to volunteer in Florida, click here to get involved: http://OFA.BO/krf4kM Come to Florida to Volunteer - OFA Florida Jennifer Lopez: Join Latinos for Obama Jennifer Lopez shares why she supports President Obama and why you should get involved. In many states voting has already began. To get all the information you need to get started go here: http://OFA.BO/YHJ7dP Jon Hamm: "Hey Colorado, Are You Voting Early?" - OFA Colorado Jon Hamm was in Colorado to help get out the early vote. He shares how you can vote early—both by mail and in person.

AssociatedPress 5/11/2012 - Today in History for November 5th , Obama: 'I Will Work With Anybody of Any Party' , Looking for Faith After Superstorm Sandy

Highlights of this day in history: FDR wins unprecedented third term in the White House; Richard Nixon elected President; Former President Reagan says he has Alzheimer's; George Foreman sets boxing record; Pianist Vladimir Horowitz dies. (Nov. 5) Today in History for November 5th Obama: 'I Will Work With Anybody of Any Party' President Obama took his campaign to the battleground state of Ohio Sunday night, telling supporters in Cincinnati that he would work "with anybody of any party to move this country forward. Looking for Faith After Superstorm Sandy Many residents of New York's Breezy Point neighborhood gathered for Sunday mass at a local church. Superstorm Sandy and a subsequent fire heavily damaged Breezy Point. Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio was applauded when he spoke about braving the storm. (Nov. 5) Amputee With Bionic Leg Climbs 103 Floors Zac Vawter used his bionic leg to climb 103 floors in Chicago's iconic Willis Tower. The Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago, where Vawter is receiving treatment, sponsored the charity stair climb. (Nov. 5) Early Voters Overwhelm Miami Elections Office The Miami-Dade County Elections Office closed on Sunday, when it was overwhelmed with huge lines of early voters. The office re-opened an hour later. (Nov. 5) AP Top Stories Here's the latest news for: Monday, October 5th: Looking for Faith after Superstorm Sandy; Final campaign day; Greek unions start 3 days of anti-austerity action; Amputee with bionic leg climbs 103 floors. 112-year-old US Apparel Maker in Pa. to Close One of the last U.S. apparel manufacturers of its kind is losing its shirt. Production at family-owned apparel manufacturer, FesslerUSA will shut down soon forcing dozens of employees out of work after nearly 113 years. (Nov. 5) Romney: Voting Is the 'One Job Left' Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney is urging Americans to vote as he kicks off his last and longest day of campaigning before Tuesday's election. (Nov. 5) Jason Biggs Tackles 'Grassroots' Politics Jason Biggs discusses his revelations about politics after starring in dramedy 'Grassroots,' while director Stephen Gyllenhaal explains the idea behind the film. (Nov. 5) Fla. Voters Look Forward to Election With one day left before Tuesday's election, voters at a suburban Miami coffee shop are eager for the big day. (Nov. 5) Bostonians Talk About Former Gov. Mitt Romney On the day before Election Day, people in Boston go about their morning routines but offer opinions on the state of the race that includes former Mass. Gov. Mitt Romney. (Nov. 5) Voters Get Ready in President Obama's Hometown In Chicago, voters have mixed feelings about favorite son President Barack Obama. Some are predicting a victory for him. Others just want the campaign and all the television ads to end. (Nov. 5) Electoral Edge Could Boost Obama AP political editor Liz Sidoti describes the state of the presidential campaign the day before the election. (Nov. 5) Obama Begins Final Day of Campaigning in Wis. President Barack Obama kicked off a busy final day on the campaign trial in Madison, Wisconsin Monday. Obama made his final pitch to a crowd of more than 18,000. Later, he will make stops in Columbus, Ohio and Des Moines, Iowa. (Nov. 5) State Battles That Could Mean Presidential Win AP's Stephen Ohlemacher discusses the states that President Barack Obama and Republican Mitt Romney consider critical for for victory on election day. (Nov. 5) Wisconsin Prepares for Record-setting Election From an appearance by President Barack Obama on Monday morning to one by Republican vice presidential nominee Paul Ryan at night, Wisconsin found itself squarely in the campaign crosshairs on the eve of Election Day. (Nov. 5) Wild Dogs Kill 2-year-old Boy at Pa. Zoo Exhibit A mother's attempt to give her two-year-old son a better view of wild African dogs turned into a tragedy at the Pittsburgh Zoo after the boy fell into the exhibit and was killed by a pack of the animals as relatives and bystanders looked on. (Nov. 5) NYC Anything but Normal for Schools, Commuters Commuters and school kids streamed back into New York City Monday, but the day was anything but normal. (Nov. 5) Raw: Long Lines at NYC Gas Stations A driver said he waited in line for 2 hours before heading to another gas station in the Bronx so he could fill up on Monday. (Nov. 5) Ohio Voter on Election: Every Second Counts In Columbus, 15,000 people waited in line for as long as two hours from Friday through Sunday to cast early ballots in a state that could decide the presidential election. About 1.6 million people have voted early in Ohio. (Nov. 5) Raw: Four-Alarm Fire Burns in New Jersey A large fire engulfed two apartment buildings in Jersey City, New Jersey Monday afternoon. WABC-TV in New York shows aerials of the four-alarm fire that left some firefighters needing medical attention. (Nov. 5) Raw: Reported Syria Suicide Blast Kills 4 A blast occurred in the Syrian capital Damascus on Monday, according to reports shown from State-run Al-Ikhbariya television. Several people were killed and injured, Al-Ikhbaria said. (Nov. 5) Bloomberg: More Flooding Possible in NYC New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg said another storm this week could bring more flooding to his city, 'although thankfully not of the scale that Sandy did.' (Nov. 5) Zoo: Wild Dogs Killed Boy Who Fell in Exhibit A Pittsburgh medical examiner has concluded that a toddler who fell into an African painted dog exhibit on Sunday was killed by the animals, not by the fall. Officials say the boy bounced off a safety net and into the enclosure. (Nov. 5) AP Top Stories Here's the latest news for Monday, November 5: Candidates make last stab at key states; Gas prices fall, except in NY area; Zoo says wild dogs killed boy; Sharon Osbourne has double mastectomy. Week After Sandy, Still a Slow Slog in NJ, NY Superstorm Sandy is long gone, but not its aftermath. In New York and New Jersey, residents are battling long gas lines, scrambled commutes and darkened schools. And in many locales, the power is still out. (Nov. 5) Obama's Chicago Ready for Election Day On eve of the election President Barack Obama's home city of Chicago is ready and all about politics. On Tuesday night the President will be in the Windy City as election results are announced. (Nov. 5) Obama, Romney Make Last-minute Pleas in Race President Barack Obama and Republican Mitt Romney made last-minute pleas for votes Monday, employing their last vestiges of energy, celebrity boosters and plenty of jet fuel to encourage every supporter and the few remaining undecideds. (Nov. 5) Christie Talks to 'The Boss' Amid Sandy Response Gov. Chris Christie said Monday that he had unexpectedly spoken with Bruce Springsteen. Christie said he had been talking about storm damage with President Obama aboard Air Force One, when Obama handed the phone to Springsteen. (Nov. 5) Cuomo: Affidavit Ballots for N.Y. Sandy Victims New Yorkers forced from their homes because of Superstorm Sandy will be able to vote by affidavit ballot at any polling site in the state, Gov. Andrew Cuomo said Monday. (Nov. 5)

Sunday, November 4, 2012

AssociatedPress 4/11/2012 - More Power, Gas Woes Around NYC After Sandy , Nanny Charged in NYC Child Stabbing Deaths , Today in History for November 4th

The lights were back on Saturday in lower Manhattan, but joy over that contrasted with deepening resentment in the city's outer boroughs and suburbs over a continued lack of power and maddening gas shortages More Power, Gas Woes Around NYC After Sandy Nanny Charged in NYC Child Stabbing Deaths The nanny who allegedly stabbed to death two children in her care before trying to kill herself was charged with murder, police said on Saturday. She was charged after she was interviewed in the hospital, police said. (Nov. 4) Today in History for November 4th Militants storm the U.S. Embassy in Tehran and seize its occupants; Israel's Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin is assassinated; Soviet troops move in to crush the Hungarian Revolution in Eastern Europe; Baseball hall-of-famer Cy Young dies; Rapper and producer Raw: Egypt's Coptic Church Chooses New Pope Egypt's ancient Coptic Christian church named a new pope on Sunday, chosen in an elaborate ceremony where a blindfolded boy drew the name of the next patriarch from a crystal chalice. Bishop Tawadros will be ordained Nov. 18 as Pope Tawadros II. (Nov. 4) Atlanta Police Helicopter Crash Kills 2 Officers A police helicopter flying low over Atlanta on a nighttime search for a missing 9-year-old boy plunged to the ground in a neighborhood of shops and apartments, killing the two officers aboard, authorities said Sunday. (Nov. 4) NY Gov: Cold Will Make Damaged Homes Unlivable New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo says cold temperatures will leave "tens of thousands" of people whose homes have been damaged by the superstorm needing other places to live. (Nov. 4) Romney Pledges Bipartisanship in Final Push Two days ahead of the election, Republican Mitt Romney is renewing his pledge to work with Democrats on Capitol Hill if elected. (Nov. 4) Obama: "You Know I Tell the Truth" President Barack Obama told thousands of people lining the streets of downtown Concord, New Hampshire that voters can trust what he tells them, as opposed to what he says are the repackaged ideas of rival Mitt Romney. (Nov. 4) Romney: Obama Victory Would Mean More Gridlock Campaigning two days before election day, Republican Mitt Romney told a Cleveland, Ohio crowd that re-election of President Barack Obama would mean more partisan gridlock in Washington. (Nov. 4) AP Top Stories Here's the latest news for Sunday, November 4th: Obama has edge in electoral votes; Obama says he'd work across party lines; Romney says he'd defeat key Democratic measures; Blindfolded boy helps pick new church leader. Bloomberg: 'Cold Is the Next Big Problem for Us' New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg says falling temperatures are creating additional worries for people who have lost heat. Meanwhile, the city's public schools are scheduled to reopen on Monday. (Nov. 4) Raw: Roughly 950,000 Still Without Power in NJ Roughly 950,000 homes and businesses in N.J. remain without electricity in the wake of Sandy. Many gas stations in the central and northern part of the state continued to see long lines of motorists. (Nov. 4) Cold Weather and New Storm Add to Sandy Woes Shivering victims of Superstorm Sandy are experiencing new worries as cold weather settles in across the New York metropolitan region, and another powerful storm is forecast for the middle of the week. (Nov. 4) In Florida, Obama Hits Romney on 'Change' Label Campaigning in Florida, President Barack Obama told supporters that his Republican challenger, Mitt Romney, doesn't represent change in the 2012 election. Obama told them, "you know what I mean, and I mean what I say." Romney: 'We Can Make It Happen' Republican Presidential Nominee Mitt Romney told Virginia voters on Sunday night "I need your vote." Romney and President Obama are fighting hard for votes in Virginia, which polls show to be a toss-up. (Nov. 4)

AssociatedPress 3/11/2012 - Today in History for November 3rd , Romney Starts Last Weekend of Campaign , Free Gas for New Yorkers, Obama Visits FEMA

Highlights of this day in history: Iran-Contra scandal begins to unfold; Chile's Salvador Allende takes office; Carol Moseley-Braun is first black woman elected to U.S. Senate; Former pro-wrestler Jesse Ventura elected Minnesota governor. (Nov. 3) Today in History for November 3rd Romney Starts Last Weekend of Campaign Mitt Romney is criticizing President Barack Obama for urging Americans to vote as the "best revenge." (Nov. 3) Free Gas for New Yorkers, Obama Visits FEMA President Barack Obama said Saturday that "there's nothing more important than us getting this right" as he visited the headquarters of the Federal Emergency Management Agency for an update on superstorm recovery efforts. (Nov. 3) Obama: I'm Still the Candidate for Change President Barack Obama says voters need to be able to trust their president because they can't predict what challenges he'll face in office. (Nov. 3) N.J. Gov. Christie: Need to Move Toward Normalcy New Jersey Governor Chris Christie says while it will take time to recover from Superstorm Sandy residents in New Jersey need to to begin the process of returning to normalcy. (Nov. 3) AP Top Stories Here's the latest news for Saturday Nov. 3: Power slowly returns to New York; Obama campaigns in Ohio; Romney hits New Hampshire, Iowa; kenya settles U.S. election with bullfight. NYC Mayor: Gas Shortages Could Go on a Few Days Mayor Michael Bloomberg says that fully resolving the shortages at gas stations could take a few days. Bloomberg spoke at a briefing Saturday. (Nov. 3) Romney Sprinting to Finish in Key States After months of campaigning at a normal pace, Republican nominee Mitt Romney set out on a frenzied, all-out campaign push to win over voters in eight of the battleground states that will decide who becomes president. (Nov. 3) Obama: 'We've Got More Work to Do' President Obama told voters in Iowa that he kept his promises to end the war in Iraq, provide health insurance for millions and bring Osama bin Laden to justice. He traveled to Dubuque Saturday in a final push for Iowa's six electoral votes. (Nov. 3)

Saturday, November 3, 2012

AssociatedPress 2/11/2012 - Today in History for November 2nd , Raw: Gas Lines Growing in New Jersey , Mood of the Nation: Boca Raton , Syria Rebels Said to Kill Captured Troops , Raw: Woman Claims $23M Prize Just in Time

Highlights of this day in history: President Harry Truman wins re-election in an upset; South Vietnam's Ngo Dinh Diem killed after coup; Howard Hughes flies his 'Spruce Goose'; Game show scandal rocks early TV; Singer k.d. lang born. (Nov. 2) Today in History for November 2nd Raw: Gas Lines Growing in New Jersey Gas lines are forming in much of New Jersey due to the damage from Superstorm Sandy. One line in Newark stretched two miles. (Nov. 2) Mood of the Nation: Boca Raton Jay and Vicki Baker from Boca Raton, Florida talk about their life before and after the 2007-2009 recession, and how it has influenced their views. (Nov. 2) Raw: New Yorkers Line Up for Food Food is in short supply for many East Coast residents, along with power and water following Superstorm Sandy. Long lines formed as food was handed out in Manhattan's Alphabet City on Thursday. (Nov. 2) Exasperation Builds During Sandy Recovery New York Governor Andrew Cuomo says New York's trains and subways have been recovering from Superstorm Sandy surprisingly quickly. Still, frustration is building in the region amid gas lines, food lines and ongoing power outages. (Nov. 2) AP Top Stories Here's the latest news for: Friday, November 2nd: Progress and frustration in Sandy recovery; Christie pushes for faster storm recovery in NJ; Officials seeing few ballot mistakes in Miami; South Americans come out to celebrate Day of the Dead. Officials Seeing Few Ballot Mistakes in Miami Miami elections officials say they're seeing relatively few ballot rejections, despite increased absentee voting. (Nov 1) US Economy Adds 171K Jobs, Rate Rises to 7.9 Pct U.S. employers added 171,000 jobs in October and hiring was stronger over the previous two months than first thought. The unemployment rate inched up to 7.9 percent. (Nov. 2) Once a GOP Stalwart, Va. Now a Real Battleground President Barack Obama hopes to duplicate his 2008 win in Virginia. The state hadn't gone Democratic since 1964. Mitt Romney sees Virginia as a state he has a real chance of taking back for Republicans. (Nov. 2) Air NZealand Finds Magic in Hobbit Safety Video Air New Zealand is hoping to make passengers take note of their onboard safety announcement with a little help from their friends in Middle Earth. (Nov. 2) Big Words: Elephant 'Speaks' Korean An elephant in South Korean is imitating human speech, belting out a range of Korean words repeated by his human handlers. Researchers say 22-year-old Koshik is likely doing it to bond. (Nov. 2) Obama: Jobs Report Is 'Real Progress' Speaking to supporters in Ohio, President Barack Obama hailed the October job numbers as 'real progress', but says there is more work to be done. U.S. employers added 171,000 jobs in October. (Nov. 2) Gay Candidates Look to Gain Ground in Congress A record number of gay candidates are running for congress this year and they say their sexuality isn't a campaign issue. (Nov. 2) Romney: Unemployment Higher Than 4 Years Ago Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney blasted President Barack Obama's record on the economy and jobs. Romney says if elected, he'll bring real change on day one of his presidency. (Nov. 2) Voters in 3 Western States Mull Marijuana OK Voters in Colorado, Washington, and Oregon will decide Tuesday whether to make marijuana legal in their state contrary to federal law. The measure appears to be fizzling in Oregon, but measures in Colorado and Washington have support. (Nov. 2) Split Jobs Report Frames Election The last jobs report before Election Day gives both President Obama and challenger Mitt Romney something to campaign on: a modest surge in job-creation and an uptick in the jobless rate. (Nov. 2) Syria Rebels Said to Kill Captured Troops A new video appears to show Syrian rebels killing a group of captured soldiers, spraying them with bullets as they lay on the ground. Human rights groups say the gunmen may have committed a war crime. This video contains graphic content. (Nov. 2) Raw: Construction Starts on Inauguration Stands Outside the White House Friday, workers were erecting fencing on Pennsylvania Avenue, setting the groundwork for building the inaugural viewing stand and the camera platform in nearby Lafayette Park. (Nov. 2) Saving New York From the Next Storm Officials say building a flood wall in New York harbor could prevent future disasters and may become a necessity as climate change takes place. (Nov. 2) NYC Mayor: Marathon to Show 'Solidarity' At a news conference, New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg defended his decision to carry on with the marathon as a way to raise money and boost morale less than a week after Sandy flooded neighborhoods, knocked out power and killed dozens. (Nov. 2) Raw: Long Gas Lines Frustrate New Yorkers Gasoline became a precious commodity in New York City on Friday. Some drivers complained of waiting six to seven hours in line. The gas line for one station on Manhattan's west side stretched for 20 blocks. (Nov. 2) New Yorkers: Election Last Thing on Our Minds With the presidential election just days away residents in storm-stricken New York say going to the polls on Tuesday is not a top priority right now. (Nov. 2) AP Top Stories Here's the latest news for Friday, Nov. 2: Last jobs report before vote; Romney says Obama re-election a threat; Low or no gas in New York; Elephant speaks. Raw: Canceled NYC Race Disappoints Runners More than 47,000 runners, most of them from outside New York, had been expected to take part in the world's largest marathon on Sunday. Now many of them say they're angry Mayor Michael Bloomberg didn't cancel the event sooner. (Nov. 2) Raw: Staten Islanders Feel Forgotten After Sandy Battered by Hurricane Sandy, people on Staten Island say much needed help is slow in coming. (Nov. 2) Raw: Woman Claims $23M Prize Just in Time A California grandmother didn't realize that she had won the lottery until someone texted her a photo of her daughter buying the ticket. The photo had been released by lottery officials searching for the mysterious winner of the May drawing. (Nov. 2)

Thursday, November 1, 2012

AssociatedPress 1/11/2012 - Raw: Stranded Cruise Passengers Reach Boston , Raw: Ryan Trick-or-Treats With Family , High Tide Causes Major Flooding in Venice

The passengers on board a Norwegian Gem cruise ship finally reached dry land in Boston on Wednesday, after Superstorm Sandy kept them from docking in New York. (Nov. 1) Raw: Stranded Cruise Passengers Reach Boston Raw: Ryan Trick-or-Treats With Family Republican Vice Presidential Nominee Paul Ryan took his children trick-or-treating on Halloween in Janesville, Wisconsin. (Nov. 1) High Tide Causes Major Flooding in Venice Parts of Venice, Italy including the famous San Marco Square, were flooded on Wednesday. A high tide forced tourists to wade through the city in knee-high waters. (Nov. 1) For Giants Fans, Players, a Dream Come True San Francisco Giants fans at Wednesday's parade said their team's World Series championship was a dream come true. Giants players feel the same way. (Nov. 1) AP Top Stories Here's the latest news for: Thursday, November 1st; Recovering NY; NJ devastated; Campaign resumes; High tide causes major flooding in Venice. Raw: Post-Sandy Traffic Gridlocks NYC New York is trying to resume its normal frenetic pace Thursday, getting back much of its vital subway system after a crippling storm, but is still slowed by gridlocked traffic. (Nov. 1) First Flight Lands at LaGuardia After Sandy The first flight since Hurricane Sandy hit landed at LaGuardia Airport in New York City at dawn Thursday. All the major airports in the region are now operational. (Nov. 1) Raw: Salmon Swimming Upstream on Road Salmon are seen swimming upstream on a road near Seattle, Washington. A dog walking along catches one of the fish in its mouth, then moseys along the watery road. (Nov. 1) NYC Subways Return, Commuters Happy New York City subways partially returned to service Thursday, with trains running north of 34th street. (Nov. 1) Gas Lines Stretch for More Than Hour Residents trying to gas up in New Jersey are in for a long wait. Lines at stations that have power stretched for more than an hour in the parts of the state hit hardest by Superstorm Sandy. (Nov. 1) Raw: New Yorkers Wait on Long Lines for Buses Hundreds of New Yorkers stood on long lines for buses outside of the Barclays Center in Brooklyn, N.Y., just days after the superstorm paralyzed public transportation around New York City. (Nov. 1) Gobs of White Foam Spew Onto Tokyo Street A small truck rams into a fire sprinkler pipe in Tokyo, spewing mounds of fire-extinguishing foam onto a major street. Firefighters waist-deep in foam shoveled, kicked and poured water on it in an attempt to clear the area. (Nov. 1) The Ground Game: Crucial to a White House Win? Days before the election, both campaigns are focused on their crucial ground games. And for good reason. With the race balanced on a razor's edge, the keys to the White House could hinge on which campaign does it best. AP's Kelly Daschle reports. (Nov. 1) Romney: Obama Doesn't Understand Business Mitt Romney said Thursday that President Barack Obama doesn't have a clue about how business works. The Obama campaign shot back by saying that Romney doesn't know what he's talking about. (Nov. 1) Obama: 'Work Is Not Done Yet' President Barack Obama is closing the final days of the presidential campaign by declaring that rival Mitt Romney is not the agent of change he portrays himself to be. ( Nov. 1) Nat'l Guard Searches for Survivors in N.J. Town The New Jersey Army National Guard prepared to search for those left behind on the barrier island of Long Beach. One Long Beach resident emotionally recounts the devastation she has witnessed since the storm. (Nov. 1) Mood of the Nation: North Carolina Ray Arvin of Mineral Springs, N.C. talks about his family's life before and after the 2007-2009 recession, and how it has influenced their views. (Part of a series) Bloomberg: 500K Customers Still Without Power New York mayor Michael Bloomberg says the city death toll from Superstorm Sandy is at least 37. Also he says that mass transit and power are coming back slowly. (Nov. 1) Raw: Trees Fall During Storm, Fire Starts A man in Wantagh, New York captures the wrath of Sandy's arrival, with trees falling, hitting cars and then starting a fire. (Nov. 1) Atlantic City Barber: 'We've Been Fortunate' Residents of Atlantic City in New Jersey have begun the long process of clearing up the storm damage left by Sandy. With gas supplies scarce, many stations closed up shop. Casinos also remained closed on Thursday. (Nov. 1) Missing Staten Island Brothers Found Dead Police on Thursday said two brothers, ages 2 and 4, who were swept away Monday night when waves of water crashed into an SUV driven by their mother in Staten Island were found dead. (Nov. 1) Raw: Deli Owner Shares Hot Water, Food in NJ Jim Breitling is a deli owner in Long Beach Island, NJ who has a working generator. In the days since Sandy, Breitling has been donating food to the local fire and police departments. He's also offered residents a place to get hot water. (Nov. 1) AP Top Stories Here's the latest news for Thursday, November 1: Obama, Romney refocus on election; Manhattan to be lit up again by Saturday; Ex-Penn St. president charged; Gobs of white foam spew onto Tokyo street. Raw: W. Va. Digs Out After Sandy Dumps Snow West Virginia's governor plans to ask President Barack Obama for a federal disaster declaration to help residents and businesses in the areas hardest-hit by Sandy. Some communities have seen nearly 3 feet of snow. (Nov. 1) New York Mayor Bloomberg Endorses Obama New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg backed President Barack Obama on Thursday, saying the incumbent Democrat will bring critically needed leadership to fight climate change after the devastation wrought by Hurricane Sandy. (Nov. 1) Superstorm Won't Stop NYC Marathon With mass transportation still crippled in the aftermath of Superstorm Sandy, New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg says the New York City Marathon is still good to go. (Nov. 1) USC Reels From Halloween Party Shooting A Halloween shooting outside a student center building on the University of Southern California campus has left a young man in critical condition and 3 others wounded. (Nov. 1) N.J. Coastal Resident: Sandy Magnificent, Scary The Associated Press gained first view ground access to some of the devastated New Jersey barrier islands. On Long Beach Island, the National Guard moved in as some people who stayed during the storm told their tales. (Nov. 1)
