Thursday, November 28, 2013
В Киеве похоронили ассоциацию Украины с ЕС
Jewish State? Fight to be 'Israeli' puts nationality debate in focus
Rajoy advierte que Escocia debe dejar la UE si logra independizarse
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
El libro más caro del mundo fue vendido por 14 millones de dólares
Путин оценил готовность олимпийских объектов в Сочи
CNN Heroes: 'Backstage Pass'... From the Red Carpet
Протесты на Украине / Ukraine protests LIVE
NYPD cop punches 85-yr-old, then sues him
Roasted Butternut Squash With Onions
В ЦПК показали антропоморфного робота для работы в открытом космосе
Five Star Chef Means No Ordinary Soup Kitchen
China derribararía cualquier avión que viole normas de zona aérea de defensa
'Whistleblowers need smb to help with pressure, not money or lawyers'
Сноуден беспрепятственно разъезжает по Вашингтону на общественном транспорте
Times Minute: Cancer Divide, Deadline, and a Turkey Pardon
Desde la sombra (E54). La Ley Patriota y el corto vuelo de la libertad
AP Top Stories Nov. 27 A
Не ко двору: с Красной площади уберут чемодан Louis Vuitton
Un gigantesco círculo de hielo que da vueltas descubierto en un río en EE.UU.
Пресс-конференция глав МИД РФ и Гватемалы
Сочи готов принять паралимпийцев через 100 дней
Putin: "No estamos dispuestos a sofocar nuestra economía para gustarle a Bruselas"
Mom, Stepfather Accused of Imprisoning 3 Girls
Отказ Киева от евроинтеграции уберег экономику ЕС от очередного удара
Color Code: UK whites & ethnics choose to live apart
Russia: Oversized Louis Vuitton suitcase riles Red Square
Russia: Are these the most beautiful girls of Russia?
Ukraine: Pro-EU protests continue as chill sets in
Germany: Is SPD chickening out of pre-election promises?
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
Демонстранты в Киеве напали на автомобиль украинских спецслужб
Эксперт: политика Запада может вызвать еще больший хаос в Ливии
Airport Chaplains Give Refuge to Weary Travelers
Key West to Cuba Flights Struggle to Take Off
Cop Forces Mentally Ill Man To Make Animal Noises, Films It
Miley, Barack, Paula Make GQ's Least Influential Of 2013
Egypt Bans Protests
Today in History for November 26th
James Ray: I didn't know about dangers
James Ray on prison: It was humbling
Terrror concerns, detainees were not part of Iran deal.
Full Show 11/25/13: Corporations: America's Biggest Welfare Queens
CNN Heroes: Tawanda Jones..Sara Bareilles
Karzai pide detener operaciones contra civiles para firmar el pacto con EE.UU.
Cop accused of rape: Allegation is false
Critics worry Iran will pursue nuke program in secret.
Making a Scene: Robert Redford
La petrolera rusa Rosneft ampliará sus inversiones en la industria petrolera cubana
DirectoUSA: El acuerdo con Irán
Alerta en la Universidad de Yale por la presencia de un hombre armado
Miley Cyrus' lip-synching cat is a viral hit
DirectoUSA: Reforma Inmigratoria
"Con la amenaza de Irán levantada, el escudo antimisiles apunta a Rusia"
Did North Korea mistakenly detain American?
Monday, November 25, 2013
Fox Host Dresses As Homeless Guy And This Happens
Evolution Battle In Kansas... Again!
WE DID IT!!! Exciting Indiegogo News
Kendall Jenner 'Nude' Photo - Is 18 Too Young?
Ted Cruz Bristles At CNN Anchor's Obamacare Questions
Reporter Booted For Revealing Preferential Treatment Of China
Sunday, November 10, 2013
"Francia se opone al acuerdo sobre el programa nuclear iraní porque teme perder su poder"
Los cosmonautas rusos realizan el primer relevo olímpico espacial de la historia
Entrevista con Cecilia Todd, cantante venezolana
Irán: Es poco probable que se firme acuerdo nuclear con el sexteto
Momento histórico: La antorcha olímpica de Sochi 2014 sale por primera vez al espacio abierto
La caída del muro de Berlín reunificó a los alemanes, pero la crisis resalta sus diferencias
David vence a Goliat: una pequeña firma se negó a entregar información a EE.UU.
Moscú celebra la final de Miss Universo 2013
Saturday, November 9, 2013
La antorcha olímpica de Sochi 2014 conocerá el espacio abierto
Reino Unido: Hay progreso en las negociaciones de Irán y los países 5+1
Imágines inéditas del arresto del buque de Greenpeace por las fuerzas de seguridad rusas
¿Hacia un Irán sin sanciones? Todos los caminos de la diplomacia llevan a Ginebra
Víctimas del franquismo acusan a España de dilatar el caso a propósito
Las autoridades españolas dilatan intencionalmente la orden de detención
de los presuntos torturadores de la dictadura franquista para evitar su
arresto. Así lo advierte el abogado de los querellantes del caso ante
la justicia argentina, que se presentaron ante esta instancia ante la
imposibilidad de hacerlo en los tribunales del país ibérico. Nuestro
corresponsal Ignacio Jubilla nos acerca más información desde Buenos
Thursday, November 7, 2013
Gitmo a go go: Guantanamo’s home away from home (for troops only)
A lot of Gitmo info is classified. But as RT’s crew found out, some
of it is secret even for those serving at the facility. Discover why
iguanas get special treatment there, and who servicemen can’t date in a
special RT report from Guantanamo.
The notorious military facility is known for alleged tortures of detainees, with some of prisoners still held behind bars without charge. Among the latest incidents, it’s emerged that US military doctors took part in torture sessions on inmates.
Although the military are provided with everything they need, from state-of-the-art sports centers to Taco Bell and Starbucks - right inside the facility - there are downsides the service personnel point out.
For one, a lack of information from the outside world. Many of the TV programs broadcast here are army-focused, and the internet is almost non-existent. The RT crew has also been told that those serving at the base are forbidden to go to websites like WikiLeaks.
Another hot issue is, unexpectedly, iguanas. The life of one animal is worth more here than the life of a prisoner, with the fine for running over an iguana set at $10,000.
Officials, though, tend to showcase to journalists how people are well-kept and entertained in Guantanamo.
The daily life of a Guantanamo detainee depends on his compliance. A cooperative inmate is allowed to have eight books, toothpaste and shampoo, while a less compliant one has to wear an orange uniform and gets only two books at a time.
The prisoners can’t enter the library, which displays some of the art they’ve done over the years. Shelves are packed with DVDs, video games, and magazines. The facility provides a lot of pre-selected books which avoid certain topics: violence, sex, militantly religious…anything controversial.
RT’s crew also toured the Guantanamo military base, discovering how the Gitmo’s big bosses keep up morale of those serving.
The 116 sq km military base, with 5,500 people living and working inside, is in fact full of signs of established American life. It’s home to the only McDonalds on Cuban soil, plus a Subway sandwich outlet.
“You’ve got invested financial interest there, you’ve got Pizza Hut and you’ve got Starbucks, and you’ve got all these other places that help to set up a logistical support for the troops that are all over there,” Moazzam Beg, a former Gitmo prisoner, told RT.
Most officers come here short-term for up to nine months, or longer deployments of two to three years. However, it turns out that despite being away from home, their lives aren’t put on hold.
“You can’t date certain people, but you can certainly have. If it’s within your rank system, then you’re allowed to,” Danielle Heinz, who serves as a guard in Camp 6, said to RT.
Plus, there are plenty of things to do during free time. There’s ‘Downtown Lyceum’, an open-air movie theater playing all the hottest Hollywood blockbusters, and there’s almost every sport known to man available at the ‘Team Gitmo’ sports facility. There’s also ‘Tiki Bar’ to let loose at after work – which, according to some, isn’t too hard.
However, despite the bright picture that MWR (Morale, Welfare and Recreation), the body that takes care of military’s leisure, paints there are controversies surrounding the facility, and some of them are century-long.
The US government has been leasing the territory where Guantanamo is now situated since 1903 for just over $4500 – which is, surprisingly, still the price nowadays, RT’s Anastasia Churkina reports. It’s said, though, that the Cuban government has been refusing to accept the money for decades.
“The Castro government said, ‘We don’t want this lease anymore,’ and the US position was that it’s a binding lease, and in the lease it actually says that it can’t be broken unless both sides, both countries, agree to that. That strikes me as a very odd contract,” Martha Rainer, a Guantanamo detainee lawyer, told RT.
The notorious military facility is known for alleged tortures of detainees, with some of prisoners still held behind bars without charge. Among the latest incidents, it’s emerged that US military doctors took part in torture sessions on inmates.
Although the military are provided with everything they need, from state-of-the-art sports centers to Taco Bell and Starbucks - right inside the facility - there are downsides the service personnel point out.
For one, a lack of information from the outside world. Many of the TV programs broadcast here are army-focused, and the internet is almost non-existent. The RT crew has also been told that those serving at the base are forbidden to go to websites like WikiLeaks.
Another hot issue is, unexpectedly, iguanas. The life of one animal is worth more here than the life of a prisoner, with the fine for running over an iguana set at $10,000.
Officials, though, tend to showcase to journalists how people are well-kept and entertained in Guantanamo.
The daily life of a Guantanamo detainee depends on his compliance. A cooperative inmate is allowed to have eight books, toothpaste and shampoo, while a less compliant one has to wear an orange uniform and gets only two books at a time.
The prisoners can’t enter the library, which displays some of the art they’ve done over the years. Shelves are packed with DVDs, video games, and magazines. The facility provides a lot of pre-selected books which avoid certain topics: violence, sex, militantly religious…anything controversial.
RT’s crew also toured the Guantanamo military base, discovering how the Gitmo’s big bosses keep up morale of those serving.
The 116 sq km military base, with 5,500 people living and working inside, is in fact full of signs of established American life. It’s home to the only McDonalds on Cuban soil, plus a Subway sandwich outlet.
“You’ve got invested financial interest there, you’ve got Pizza Hut and you’ve got Starbucks, and you’ve got all these other places that help to set up a logistical support for the troops that are all over there,” Moazzam Beg, a former Gitmo prisoner, told RT.
Most officers come here short-term for up to nine months, or longer deployments of two to three years. However, it turns out that despite being away from home, their lives aren’t put on hold.
“You can’t date certain people, but you can certainly have. If it’s within your rank system, then you’re allowed to,” Danielle Heinz, who serves as a guard in Camp 6, said to RT.
Plus, there are plenty of things to do during free time. There’s ‘Downtown Lyceum’, an open-air movie theater playing all the hottest Hollywood blockbusters, and there’s almost every sport known to man available at the ‘Team Gitmo’ sports facility. There’s also ‘Tiki Bar’ to let loose at after work – which, according to some, isn’t too hard.
However, despite the bright picture that MWR (Morale, Welfare and Recreation), the body that takes care of military’s leisure, paints there are controversies surrounding the facility, and some of them are century-long.
The US government has been leasing the territory where Guantanamo is now situated since 1903 for just over $4500 – which is, surprisingly, still the price nowadays, RT’s Anastasia Churkina reports. It’s said, though, that the Cuban government has been refusing to accept the money for decades.
“The Castro government said, ‘We don’t want this lease anymore,’ and the US position was that it’s a binding lease, and in the lease it actually says that it can’t be broken unless both sides, both countries, agree to that. That strikes me as a very odd contract,” Martha Rainer, a Guantanamo detainee lawyer, told RT.
Anastasia Churkina,
human rights,
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
Our business doesn’t depend on collecting personal data – Apple
Apple’s transparency report on governmental data requests assures the
company mostly helps investigating criminal offences, such as thefts of
Apple products. The company complains of a ‘gag order’ banning
disclosure of number and core of such requests.
The report - supposed to give Apple customers a better idea as to under which conditions their personal data can be handed over to government intelligence agencies - calls for more transparency and measures to counter the negative effects of Edward Snowden’s revelations.
Following shocking publications by former National Security Agency (NSA) contractor Snowden, Apple Inc. suffered a number of accusations that some of its products are dual-purpose.
Just in October, Anonymous hacking group accused Apple’s Touch ID sensor of sending people’s fingerprints directly to the NSA.
So the company, whose name has been mentioned along with Facebook, Google, Microsoft and other IT giants in practically all news about the NSA global spying, has rushed to sooth the privacy pains of its customers.
The Apple’s seven-page report on data requests from government bodies covers a relatively short period, the six months from January 1, 2013, to June 30, 2013.
Apple has officially admitted that it cooperates with law enforcement, both in the US and abroad, though it claims it fully controls the process and is capable of denying sharing information with the government.
Apple assures it is not “amassing personal information,” such as location data, Map searches or Siri requests, because this is none of the company’s business. Steve Jobs’ successors have no doubt that “innovative security solutions,” such as the Find My iPhone tracking program and Touch ID fingerprint verification protocol adopted on iPhone 5 make this world “more secure and more convenient.”
The report explains that there are two types of request existing: account requests and device requests. It is the first type’s statistics that US law enforcement prefers to keep secret. The account request means Apple is demanded to share personal information entered by client to an account, whereas a device request is brought in when some kind of an Apple device is stolen or lost and is being searched for.
“The US government does not allow Apple to disclose, except in broad ranges, the number of national security orders, the number of accounts affected by the orders, or whether content, such as emails, was disclosed,” the report says, claiming that in the given period of time the company received between 1,000 and 2,000 official US government requests.
"We strongly oppose this gag order," the document said.
“We believe that dialogue and advocacy are the most productive way to bring about a change in these policies, rather than filing a lawsuit against the US government,” the report said, informing that Apple has “filed an Amicus brief at the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISA Court) in support of a group of cases requesting greater transparency.”
Though the electronics giant complains about the US government’s ‘gag order’ prohibiting it from publicizing the exact number and nature of government data requests, the data presented in the report is quite telling.
The request statistics published in the report’s two charts - account and device requests respectively - reveals that American law enforcement has requested personal data from Apple on a couple of thousand occasions at the most in the first half of 2013. And that during that time in all of the US there were 3,542 cases of Apple devices lost or stolen, totaling 8,605 separate items. However Apple proudly informs that it agreed to co-operate on a mere 3,110 device requests. It is not clear why the company refused to help finding almost two-thirds of the stolen goods.
The statistics for requests outside the US is many times smaller. The largest numbers of account requests, 127 of them, were received from the UK, and the company claims that only in only 37 percent of the cases some information was disclosed.
“When we receive such a demand, our legal team carefully reviews the order. If there is any question about the legitimacy or scope of the court order, we challenge it. Only when we are satisfied that the court order is valid and appropriate do we deliver the narrowest possible set of information responsive to the request,” the report says.
Moreover, the company refused to have anything to do with the notorious Patriot Act that enabled surveillance on the US citizens after the 9/11 attacks.
“Apple has never received an order under Section 215 of the USA Patriot Act. We would expect to challenge such an order if served on us,” is specifically stressed in the report.
The first major hit of Edward Snowden’s revelations has been the world learning the fact that America’s National Security Agency has direct access to servers of giants like Facebook, Google, Microsoft and Apple.
Though the latest Apple report finally admits the fact that the company does cooperate with the US government agencies on a lawful basis, the document doesn’t contain a single word about the NSA having direct access to company’s databases, an activity for which it wouldn’t have to ask for corporate approval.
While from the very beginning Apple denied any knowledge about such access to its servers existing, it never presented solid proof of its position.
The report - supposed to give Apple customers a better idea as to under which conditions their personal data can be handed over to government intelligence agencies - calls for more transparency and measures to counter the negative effects of Edward Snowden’s revelations.
Following shocking publications by former National Security Agency (NSA) contractor Snowden, Apple Inc. suffered a number of accusations that some of its products are dual-purpose.
Just in October, Anonymous hacking group accused Apple’s Touch ID sensor of sending people’s fingerprints directly to the NSA.
So the company, whose name has been mentioned along with Facebook, Google, Microsoft and other IT giants in practically all news about the NSA global spying, has rushed to sooth the privacy pains of its customers.
The Apple’s seven-page report on data requests from government bodies covers a relatively short period, the six months from January 1, 2013, to June 30, 2013.
Apple has officially admitted that it cooperates with law enforcement, both in the US and abroad, though it claims it fully controls the process and is capable of denying sharing information with the government.
Apple assures it is not “amassing personal information,” such as location data, Map searches or Siri requests, because this is none of the company’s business. Steve Jobs’ successors have no doubt that “innovative security solutions,” such as the Find My iPhone tracking program and Touch ID fingerprint verification protocol adopted on iPhone 5 make this world “more secure and more convenient.”
The report explains that there are two types of request existing: account requests and device requests. It is the first type’s statistics that US law enforcement prefers to keep secret. The account request means Apple is demanded to share personal information entered by client to an account, whereas a device request is brought in when some kind of an Apple device is stolen or lost and is being searched for.
“The US government does not allow Apple to disclose, except in broad ranges, the number of national security orders, the number of accounts affected by the orders, or whether content, such as emails, was disclosed,” the report says, claiming that in the given period of time the company received between 1,000 and 2,000 official US government requests.
"We strongly oppose this gag order," the document said.
“We believe that dialogue and advocacy are the most productive way to bring about a change in these policies, rather than filing a lawsuit against the US government,” the report said, informing that Apple has “filed an Amicus brief at the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISA Court) in support of a group of cases requesting greater transparency.”
Though the electronics giant complains about the US government’s ‘gag order’ prohibiting it from publicizing the exact number and nature of government data requests, the data presented in the report is quite telling.
The request statistics published in the report’s two charts - account and device requests respectively - reveals that American law enforcement has requested personal data from Apple on a couple of thousand occasions at the most in the first half of 2013. And that during that time in all of the US there were 3,542 cases of Apple devices lost or stolen, totaling 8,605 separate items. However Apple proudly informs that it agreed to co-operate on a mere 3,110 device requests. It is not clear why the company refused to help finding almost two-thirds of the stolen goods.
The statistics for requests outside the US is many times smaller. The largest numbers of account requests, 127 of them, were received from the UK, and the company claims that only in only 37 percent of the cases some information was disclosed.
“When we receive such a demand, our legal team carefully reviews the order. If there is any question about the legitimacy or scope of the court order, we challenge it. Only when we are satisfied that the court order is valid and appropriate do we deliver the narrowest possible set of information responsive to the request,” the report says.
Moreover, the company refused to have anything to do with the notorious Patriot Act that enabled surveillance on the US citizens after the 9/11 attacks.
“Apple has never received an order under Section 215 of the USA Patriot Act. We would expect to challenge such an order if served on us,” is specifically stressed in the report.
The first major hit of Edward Snowden’s revelations has been the world learning the fact that America’s National Security Agency has direct access to servers of giants like Facebook, Google, Microsoft and Apple.
Though the latest Apple report finally admits the fact that the company does cooperate with the US government agencies on a lawful basis, the document doesn’t contain a single word about the NSA having direct access to company’s databases, an activity for which it wouldn’t have to ask for corporate approval.
While from the very beginning Apple denied any knowledge about such access to its servers existing, it never presented solid proof of its position.
Reuters/Dado Ruvic
Corporate news,
human rights,
Monday, November 4, 2013
8,000 nationalists rally in Moscow as Russia marks National Unity Day (PHOTOS)
Thousands of Russian nationalists have rallied in Russia’s capital
for National Unity Day, annually celebrated on November 4. The march was
peaceful, though some 30 people were detained “for minor violations.”
Local police estimated some 8,000 people were in Moscow for the annual Russian March, which was this year held for the fifth time.
Many of them were wearing black balaclavas, waving black, yellow, and white nationalist flags, and chanting, "Russians Unite!" Organizers initially expected up to 15,000 to attend the march.
Demonstrators dislayed banners of a nationalist nature, calling for migrants to return to their home countries. Some of the banners read: “Russia for Russians” or “Today mosque – tomorrow jihad”.
Moscow authorities authorized two marches - one [the Russian
March] in Pererva Street in Moscow’s south-east and another in
the northwest of the city.
Moscow police said that the protests were peaceful and those arrested were detained for minor violations, including wearing masks, shouting out Nazi slogans and using banned symbols.
Previous such marches were marked by violent attacks against migrants.
Rather small nationalist marches took place in a number of cities
throughout Russia including St. Petersburg, Volgograd,
Novosibirsk and Krasnoyarsk.
In the city of Volgograd, central Russia, 60 people have reportedly been arrested after they tried to continue the Russian March after the allowed time. Minor arrests have been made in St. Petersburg, where roughly 2,000 attended the event.
The Russian March coincides with a National Unity Day holiday
President Vladimir Putin introduced in 2005 to commemorate the
expulsion of Poles from Moscow in 1612.
Last year some 6,000 people attended the Russian March in Moscow.
National Unity Day is celebrated on November, 4 across Russia. This holiday is marked with sport events, demonstrations and public gatherings.
Russia's President Vladimir Putin laid flowers at the monument commemorating the Day of Unity and 401 years since a popular force led by Kozma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky liberated Moscow from Polish invaders.
Local police estimated some 8,000 people were in Moscow for the annual Russian March, which was this year held for the fifth time.
Many of them were wearing black balaclavas, waving black, yellow, and white nationalist flags, and chanting, "Russians Unite!" Organizers initially expected up to 15,000 to attend the march.
Demonstrators dislayed banners of a nationalist nature, calling for migrants to return to their home countries. Some of the banners read: “Russia for Russians” or “Today mosque – tomorrow jihad”.
Participants of the "Russian March-2013" in Moscow on November 4, 2013. (RIA Novosti / Vladimir Astapkovich)
Moscow police said that the protests were peaceful and those arrested were detained for minor violations, including wearing masks, shouting out Nazi slogans and using banned symbols.
Previous such marches were marked by violent attacks against migrants.
enforcement officers detain a participant of the "Russian March-2013"
in Moscow on November 4, 2013. (RIA Novosti / Iliya Pitalev)
In the city of Volgograd, central Russia, 60 people have reportedly been arrested after they tried to continue the Russian March after the allowed time. Minor arrests have been made in St. Petersburg, where roughly 2,000 attended the event.
Participants of the "Russian March-2013" in Volgograd on November 4, 2013. (RIA Novosti / Kirill Braga)
Last year some 6,000 people attended the Russian March in Moscow.
National Unity Day is celebrated on November, 4 across Russia. This holiday is marked with sport events, demonstrations and public gatherings.
Russia's President Vladimir Putin laid flowers at the monument commemorating the Day of Unity and 401 years since a popular force led by Kozma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky liberated Moscow from Polish invaders.
participant of the "Tzar's Russian March", devoted to the 400th
anniversary of the House of Romanov, in Moscow on November 4, 2013. (RIA
Novosti / Alexander Vilf)
enforcement officers detain a participant of the "Russian March-2013"
in Saint Petersburg on November 4, 2013. (RIA Novosti / Anatoly Medved)
Participants of the "Russian March-2013" in Moscow on November 4, 2013. (RIA Novosti / Iliya Pitalev)
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