Thom gives his insight involving the current financial state of Michigan, one
year after Governor Rick Snyder's new law which replaced statewide city officials with hand picked "financial managers".
Has MI Gov. Snyder declared financial martial law?
Rev. David Bullock, Rainbow PUSH Coalition & Judith Browne-Dianis, Advancement Project join Thom Hartmann. We overthrew corporate rule in 1776 - and now Michigan is returning to it. Democracy in a republic is the will of the people being exercised through their representatives. For Rick Snyder to say he can replace Democracy with a $250,000/year "manager" is a crime against democracy. Especially when they're buddies of his or friends of his friends. It's like when the British East India Company used to run North America and spread the profits among its stockholders - who were members of the Parliament and the King. It should be illegal - unconstitutional - in America for a politican to strip a city or county of their elected officials. Let's hope the people of Michigan wake up fast and throw these corporatist bums out
Voter fraud is Voter fraud - Except for Republicans
Bill Pascoe, Citizens for the Republic (CFTR) joins Thom Hartmann. One of ALEC's biggest causes - is denying people the right to vote. Many of these right-wing voter laws that are requiring people to have voter IDs - were conceived at these same ALEC conferences - by Republican lawmakers working on behalf of corporate CEOs who don't like poor people voting in their best interests. According to the Brennan Center for Justice - 5 million eligible voters in America will be disenfranchised next election thanks to these laws. So - sadly - the effort appears to be working for Republicans - except for those like Newt Gingrich who didn't make the Virginia Primary ballot.
ALEC's disturbing level of influence
Anna Scholl, ProgressVA, joins Thom Hartmann. According to a new report by the advocacy group Progress Virginia - lawmakers in Virginia have outsourced their jobs to the shadowy, Koch brothers-funded, corporate think tank known as ALEC - the American Legislative Exchange Council. In case you dont know what ALEC is - it's an organization that brings together corporate CEOs and lobbyists with elected lawmakers to come up with custom-made legislation that benefits big polluters, job outsourcers, and banksters, and hurts unions, poor people, and voters. And apparently it's found a friend in the Virginia General Assembly - where since 2007 - over 50 different pieces of legislation have been introduced that are exact carbon copies of ALEC written legislation. So what does it mean when corporate think tanks are in charge of writing out laws?
How a G-rated movie turns into an X-rated movie
In the end - Alvin and the Chipmunks - found their nuts after all.
The Good, The Bad, and The Very, Very Septophobically Ugly
The Good! Nancy Pelosi. As a result of the Defense of Marriage Act - same-sex couples aren't recognized by the federal government - and thus could be subject to deportation if someone in the relationship is not an American citizen. The Bad! Newt Gingrich. Serial adulterer and campaign huckster Newt - prides himself in knowledge of history. At a town hall meeting in New Hampshire yesterday - Newt used his so-called knowledge of the Founding Fathers to go after marijuana. And the very, very ugly. Herman Cain. Disgraced fake Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain is back.
Thom Hartmann vs. Brad Smith - Occupy Citizen's United!
Brad Smith, Center for Competitive Politics, joins Thom Hartmann. Shortly - the nation will mark 2 years since the Supreme Court gave corporations the right to buy our elections. So why would a conservative law professor think this is a good thing? I'll ask Brad Smith, former FEC Chairman. Two hundred years ago, Thomas Jefferson warned us about a too-powerful Judiciary - saying it would place the nation under "despotism" and oligarchy" - concluding that the only "safe depository of the ultimate powers of the society" are with the people. Time to exercise that power - go to
The Secret "Shadow" Housing Crisis...
Michael Olenick, Legalprise, FindtheFraud, joins Thom Hartmann. 5 years after the Housing bubble burst - the housing crisis is still lingering. But could it be WAY worse than any of us imagine.
So, Oil barons just threatened the President of the U.S.
Speaking at a conference this week - Jack Gerard - the head of the American Petroleum Institute - which is the nation's largest lobbying organization for oil and gas corporations - told President Obama, "I think it would be a huge mistake on the part of the president of the United States to deny the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline...Clearly, the Keystone XL pipeline is in the national interest. A determination to decide anything less than that I believe will have huge political consequences." Do what the oil barons say - build the damn pipeline - or suffer "huge political consequences." The sad part is - in today's post Citizens United world - we have to take these threats seriously